Page 5 of Mafia Prince

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I frowned. “I still don’t get why they haven’t even attempted to avenge Enzio’s death.”

“It’s because they can’t.” Dad stared at me from across the table. “Even though Stefano would want nothing more than to take revenge, he knows he can’t. Enzio overstepped the line. He started it all.” He looked at Lorik. “You just ended it.”

Lorik looked confused. “Yeah, we know that. But the question is, does Stefano know that?”

“He does. Enzio went against his wishes, blatantly disobeyed him by kidnapping Karina. If Stefano ignites a new war in the name of revenge, he would lose the support of his allies. We did what any other family would do.”

Lorik pulled his palm down his face. “Jesus Christ. Just when I think I have this Mafia 101 down, you lot pull out new shit to confuse my Albanian ass.”

I snorted. “And God knows it doesn’t take much to confuse you.”

“At least I know what it means when I say ‘kiss my ass.’”

Antonio and I started laughing, and Dad cleared his throat, demanding our attention.

“In any case. The wedding is in two weeks, after which Lorik and Karina will go on their honeymoon. Every measure has been taken to keep the destination a secret, and the security has been put in place. That would give us a month to sort this shit out and get those goddamn drugs off my streets.”

I leaned closer to Lorik. “Where’s the honeymoon?”

He shrugged. “Fuck me if I know.”

Dad got up from the table and turned to Antonio. “Get all your associates on this, and I don’t care if you have to pay double in order to get the necessary information from your informants. I want the drugs gone.”

Antonio nodded. “Dante and I will take care of it.”

I loved how my big brother always spoke on my behalf. I loved it so fucking much it actually annoyed the crap out of me.

Dad left the dining room in a rush, leaving the three of us in awkward silence…until I opened my big mouth.

“I disagree with Dad.”

Antonio glared at me. “That doesn’t surprise me. You always find it difficult to agree with anyone.”

“I’m with Dante on this,” Lorik chimed in. “I’m not as clued in as I like to be, but my instinct is telling me not to let our guard down.”

“We’re not. But like our father said, you and Karina are going on your honeymoon in two weeks. She’ll be safe while we stay behind and sort this shit out.” Antonio got up from the table, buttoning his suit jacket before focusing his stare on me. “Remember to get those phone calls checked out.”

“Yes, Dad,” I mocked.

Antonio left the room, and Lorik turned to me. “Tell me about these phone calls.”

“There’s not much to tell. It’s just random phone calls. When I answer, the person hangs up.”

Lorik raised an eyebrow. “How long has this been going on?”

“It started a few weeks ago.”

“I’ll try to get a trace on it.” Lorik stood, and as he passed by my chair, he paused. “You know why your sister is tired, right?”

“Jesus,” I moaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Yes, Lorik. I know.”

He leaned down next to me. “Do you know what it means to have a magic cock?”

And then I elbowed him in the gut, causing him to grunt.

“Fucker,” he mumbled, and I smiled as he walked out of the room.

I had no idea why, but I found his ass amusing, which was why I liked having the little shit around the house. Plus, it seemed like he had the ability to make my sister happy, which was a big thing for me.

Tags: Bella J. Erotic