Page 13 of Mafia Prince

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He snorted. “Yeah, well, I’d like to see you try to keep a straight face when the woman you’re about to marry—who also happens to be the owner of the only pussy you will ever get for the rest of your life—gets angry at you and starts shouting in a language you can’t understand, yet you know she’s pissed at you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what to say when I don’t know what the fuck she’s saying?”

Antonio and I started laughing. Karina might be sweet, but she had Italian blood running through her veins, and when Italian women got angry, men tended to wish for the world to come to an end.

I parked my Audi in the underground parking—our usual spot. When you financed the owner’s illegal gambling setup, you earned guaranteed VIP treatment.

As we approached the back door, the bouncer opened it, allowing us through, no questions asked. God, I loved this life. I couldn’t believe there was a time when I wanted something different. Who wouldn’t want to be treated like a goddamn prince?

Antonio nodded toward the bouncer in greeting, but naturally Lorik had to do the whole fist-bump maneuver.

“Tim, my man.”

“Detective Stone.”

Lorik held up his hand, showcasing the wolf tattoo. “Not a detective anymore, Tim. I’m a wolf now.” He smiled like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes then grabbed him behind his neck, dragging him down the hall. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a dumbass?”

“Pfffft, never.”

Once we stepped inside the club, I felt a little of the tension ease out of my shoulders. The music, the people, the smell of sex and alcohol made me think of the here and now rather than the past or the fucking future. All that mattered was now—the present. Tomorrow would deal with the aftermath of the decisions which were made today.

Antonio took the lead with me short on his heel, while Lorik walked next to me. All eyes were on us—especially the women’s. It happened whenever we entered a goddamn room. Why? Because in this city we were fucking royalty. Everyone knew not to fuck with us.

The second we walked up to the second floor reserved for VIP guests, a waitress dressed in nothing but a black mini skirt and glitter nipple patches greeted us.

“Can I get you gentlemen something to drink?” Her eyes met mine, and memories of her naked body pressed up against the wall of the men’s room flashed through my mind. By the way she bit her bottom lip, I knew she was thinking of it too.

Antonio unbuttoned his suit jacket. “Three bourbons on the rocks, and a round of tequila.”

Lorik smiled. “This is going to be one hell of a night, gentlemen. I can feel it all the way down my fucking spine.”

The waitress brought our drinks, and we took a seat close to the glass barrier, wanting the view of the dancefloor below.

Antonio leaned back in his seat. “Anyone else been wondering about the weird phone call today?”

“Oh, come on,” Lorik complained. “Could you please pull that motherfucking stick out of your ass for one night? Just one goddamn night?”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Yes, the weird fucking phone call had been on my mind, but trust Antonio to bring it up at the start of what was supposed to be a fun night.

“I’m with Lorik on this one, brother. We can go one night without discussing such matters.”

Antonio shrugged, forfeiting his attempt to talk business. It was typical of him, always thinking business, and never making time for anything but that. Sometimes I got the feeling it was physically painful for him to have fun and to enjoy a good night out. I, on the other hand, had that down to a T, since even though there was that weird as fuck phone call, I could easily push it to the back of my mind. Tomorrow would be a good time to start fretting over it again.

I turned to Lorik, wanting to change the subject. “Still excited to be a part of the family?”

He rubbed tiny circles over the wolf tattoo on the top of his hand. “Best thing that ever happened to me.” He looked up at us. “Your sister, I mean. Not you two dildos. Fuck knows, my grandmother’s urn is more fun than you two.”

Antonio laughed then stood and walked to the glass barrier and stared out over the club. I rubbed the stubble on my chin with my thumb and forefinger, and Lorik ordered another round of tequila.


I looked up at Antonio, who stood with his back toward me. “Yeah?”

“How sure are you it couldn’t have been Layla who phoned you from the other side of town?”

“Believe me, I’m sure.”

Antonio kept staring down to the dancefloor. “I think you need to come see this, little brother.”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic