Page 50 of Mafia Princess

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She nestled her cheek deeper into my touch. “The same thing you’re doing to me,” she whispered, and the moment shot straight through my motherfucking chest right into my heart.

I searched her beautiful face, studied every feature, trying to figure out how this woman managed to change my life within the blink of an eye. “How is this even possible, Karina? We hardly know each other.”

She stepped back, and I mourned the loss of having her close. Her gaze searched the area around us like she was expecting to find the answer in my goddamn kitchen.

“I don’t know, Lorik.” She shrugged. “Maybe it’s the thrill of it, because we know it’s against the rules. Like they say, nothing is as sweet as the forbidden fruit.”

“That’s not it.” I shook my head and stepped toward her. “I know all about forbidden fruit, Karina, and let me tell you this…there’s no goddamn fruit that tastes as sweet as you.”

“Lorik…” she started, but I pressed my lips against hers, drowning out her words. It was all I wanted to do whenever I was around her—kiss her, touch her, fuck her…make love to her. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to make her mine. Like a goddamn animal, I wanted to claim and mark her, to keep bastards like Enzio from touching or taking what was mine.

As she leaned her body into mine, I felt her desperation to deepen our kiss, to take whatever was happening between us further.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my hands on her ass, lifting her up and placing her on the kitchen counter. She opened her legs and allowed me in while our lips remained plastered together. Sure, I had one raging hard-on whose sole purpose was to penetrate this woman, to make her scream. But it was so much more than that. Yes, I wanted her body in every way possible, but somewhere between when I first saw her in the interrogation room and now, I no longer wanted only her body. I wanted her mind, her soul…her fucking heartbeat. But was that even possible? Everything about us together was wrong. We were from two completely different places in the world, two different elements, like fire and ice, which was probably why it felt so damn good whenever we were together.


I dipped my tongue into the hollow of her neck. “Hmm?”

“I really, really want to do this again.” Her nails dug into my shoulders, and she glided her fingers across my skin, sending shivers down my spine. “But you think a girl can get a break for a few minutes?”

I smiled triumphantly. Yes, triumphantly. Hearing she needed a break did wonders for my male ego.

“Gee, I don’t know,” I teased before sucking a nipple into my mouth then letting it go. “I have this real pressing,” I thrust hard between her legs, “need to be inside you…again.”

She clawed her nails down my back, and I knew she was seconds away from giving in to the temptation.

I straightened and met her gaze. “Take as much time as you need, princess. Just know I plan on being inside you at least one more time before you leave this apartment tonight.”

She tilted her head, dark curls falling over her naked shoulder. “Who says I’m leaving?” She winked and slipped off the counter, sliding her body down against my cock.

I groaned. “Fuck, you’re killing me, you know that?”

“Yet I’m the one needing a break?” She chuckled and walked down the hall. All I could do was keep my eyes glued to her naked ass, her hips swaying seductively.

“Minx,” I called after her.

She glanced over her shoulder. “That makes you one lucky son of a bitch, then, Detective.”

I tipped my beer in her direction. “Oh, I fucking know it.” I took a large gulp while watching her until she disappeared around the corner.

“Fuck me,” I muttered and rubbed the back of my neck. It was too damn insane, what was happening between us. It was more intense than I ever could have anticipated.

I grabbed a second beer from the fridge and made my way to the bedroom, deciding she’d had a long enough break. My cock was aching and swearing at me.

When I rounded the corner and stepped into the bedroom, I froze. My spine turned to ice, and my gut dropped to the ground, my hard-on a thing of the past.


When she turned to face me, and I saw the hurt covering her beautiful face, it felt like my heart was no longer in my chest but lodged in my throat.

“What is this?” She pointed at the cabinet in front of her.

I glanced at the open cabinet, its contents mocking me. “I don’t—”

“I was looking for a goddamn shirt, and imagine my surprise when I find a cabinet filled with pictures of every member of my family…and me.” Her words were coated with distaste and pain.

I stepped forward, determined to explain. “I’m a detective, Karina—”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic