Page 46 of Mafia Princess

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I reached the stairs but glanced back at the entrance one more time. Nothing. Dammit, I needed to calm the hell down.

While I was walking up the stairs with clicking heels, I still experienced the odd sense that someone was watching me, walking behind me. I was so fucking paranoid I even started hearing heavy footsteps, which caused me to move up the stairs faster. My heart hammered against my ribs, my spine turning into ice while it felt like I no longer had control over my own damn legs as I sprinted up the stairs.

Finally, I reached Lorik’s floor, and I looked behind me before I moved down the hall. His apartment door was right at the end—of course, it was—and my body and mind were overcome with the suspicion that whoever was behind me was closing in on me fast.

Shit. There really is someone behind me.

The faster I moved, the closer I got to Lorik’s apartment door. But then I remembered he wasn’t there yet. Every survival instinct flared, and I searched around me, trying to find anything I could use to defend myself. I spotted the fire alarm about two doors from Lorik’s and figured pulling that alarm was about the only thing I could do.

The sound of footsteps got louder, and the faster I walked, the faster those footsteps moved. There was no way I was going to look behind me; I was too fucking scared. Whoever it was, I didn’t want to look at him or her. Seeing their face would make the fear pulsing through my chest too damn real.

I was about two feet away from the fire alarm when a hand reached around me and covered my mouth. The scream I let out was muffled by the large, warm hand holding my mouth closed. He pushed me against the wall with his body, and his hand found the hem of my black pencil skirt. That was when I smelled it, the familiar spicy scent that only belonged to one person.

“I’ve been thinking about you the whole goddamn day, princess.”

I closed my eyes as the fear I felt mere seconds ago evaporated. With his hand still covering my mouth, he moved my skirt up my thighs. My spine was no longer ice, but rather electrified as his hand moved up, and up, and up, until my skirt wound around my waist.

“I want to taste you.” Lorik traced his lips up my neck, and I moaned against his hand. “I want to lick that sweet little pussy of yours right here, right now.” He reached around my hips and cupped me between my legs. I already felt that gnawing need to be filled to the brim.

His lips traveled back down my neck. “Is that okay with you, Karina? Would you like me to lick you right here in the hall, knowing someone could catch us at any moment?”

It was so bad, but the thought about getting caught sent my body into a flurry of lust and excitement. Since he still had his hand over my mouth, all I could do was nod, and then his fingers tore through my underwear.

“I don’t think you’re going to have one single piece of underwear left after I’m done with you.” I could hear that damn arrogant smirk in his voice, but it no longer annoyed me. It only added fuel to the already blazing fire inside my core.

He removed his hand from between my legs, and the cold air assaulted my warm skin. My body immediately missed his touch, and the ache between my legs intensified threefold.

Abruptly, he grabbed my hips and turned me to face him. Our eyes met, and I sucked in a breath when I saw the hunger burning through his dark irises. It was exactly as it was last night, the strong pull between us. I had no idea if I was only imagining it, but it actually felt stronger now than before. It was like our bodies were calling out to each other now that we had tasted what it felt like to be one.

My legs weakened as my desire grew stronger, the aching pulse between my legs taking full control of my body. I needed him. I needed him to claim me like he did last night. I needed him to take my body to the place only he could. And I needed to lose myself in him.

His alluring mouth pulled up at the sides while he dragged his fingers up the inside of my thigh.

“Are you wet for me, princess?”Oh, God, am I ever. Finally, he slipped his finger through my slit and inhaled sharply when he felt how ready I was for him. One would never think I was filled with fear only a few minutes ago, since I was now consumed with the need to accept every ounce of pleasure Lorik was planning to give me.

He dropped to his knees in front of me, like a sinner about to repent, to atone for all his past transgressions. Only difference was he was about to commit another earth-shattering sin while he stared at my bare pussy.

“God, what a sight.” He licked his lips like he could already taste me, and it sent shivers down my spine.

When he placed his hands on the tops of my thighs, I whimpered as he spread me open with his thumbs, the touch making my legs shake.

He groaned. “Fuck the pearly gates of Heaven, nothing compares to the paradise between your legs.” And then he dragged his tongue all along my outer lips, causing my body to shudder as the hunger inside my core skyrocketed.

“Lorik.” I placed my hands on his shoulders to keep myself from falling.

Around and around his tongue swirled, never actually going where I needed him to. He was purposefully avoiding that one spot guaranteed to propel me into a mind-blowing orgasm.

With gentle, leisurely strokes, he slowly drove me fucking crazy, pushing me all the way to the edge but not allowing me to fall over. I reached behind his head, weaving my fingers through his dark hair while my hips started to move.

“Lorik, please.”

“Hold on, baby.”

His thumbs spread me wider, and then finally he dragged his tongue through and up my slit until he teased against that one spot I’d been dying for him to reach. My body shuddered violently against the cold wall, and my hips moved faster while every muscle in my stomach tightened.

He paused, lifted his hands, and gripped my hips. “Keep still.”

“Are you kidding me? That’s like asking me to stop breathing.”

Tags: Bella J. Erotic