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Taz let himself into the back door of the Smokey Bandit’s bar and looked around the kitchen. He loved working for his MC, but it wasn’t his ultimate goal. He’d studied culinary arts in Paris, France, and his ambitions stretched further than burgers and fries. But for now, he’d settle for a stable paycheck, which was what he was getting from the bar. He got to hang out at his club every day, with his buddies, and for now, that was a bonus. Plus, he didn’t mind being able to see the sexy new waitress that Ryker hired last month.

Kai was his walking wet dream, not that he’d ever work up the nerve to tell her that. The college student was working her way through her senior year, which made her about twenty-three and way too young for him. At thirty-five, he was looking for someone to spend some serious time with and not just have a fling with. He was sure that Kai wasn’t looking for a serious relationship with an older man. She was probably busy trying to navigate graduating from college and her waitressing job at the club was just a quick stop on her road to getting to her end goal. That meant that flirting with the sexy little blond was about all he had because, while he was sure that a one-night stand with her would prove to be a good time, it wasn’t what he was looking for.

“You’re here early,” Ryker said walking into the kitchen.

“I wanted to get a head start on the specials for tonight,” Taz said. Ryker had agreed to let him try out one fancy dish every night as a club “special” that they guys could order. With their new female clientele coming in most weeknights, the place was turning into a place where bikers could bring their ol’ladies and they seemed to be impressed by the new dining choices. All in all, Taz liked that he was given some creative clearance by Ryker to have a little bit of fun with the menu.

Ryker chuckled, “What are you going to come up with tonight?” he asked.

“Cajun oven-fried catfish. It’s honestly, one of my favorite things to make,” he said.

“What sides?” Ryker asked. Taz was pleasantly surprised to find that his new boss and club’s Prez was a foodie. Ryker seemed to love the new menu as much as some of their new customers did.

“Homemade coleslaw and hand-cut fries,” Taz said.

“God, that sounds so good. I’m already hungry,” Ryker said, causing Taz to chuckle.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I have it ready and you can give it a test drive,” Taz offered.

“I’d appreciate that, man,” Ryker said. “I never formally thanked you for coming on as the new cook. I know we might not be what you planned, but you helped bring this place back to life. We’re finally in the black, and I have you to thank for that.” Ryker had shared that the bar was struggling and that he owed some loan shark money for a loan he took out to keep the place afloat. When Ryker asked him to come on full-time, he jumped at the offer but told him about his culinary training and his dreams of opening his own restaurant. He couldn’t make Ryker any promises of long-term, and his new boss was fine with that. He told him that he’d keep him around for as long as he wanted to be there. It felt nice that Ryker had his back like that.

“I didn’t do anything, man,” Taz said. “Just cooked food.”

“Well, people are filling the bar every night just to eat your food. Hell, we have to wait for the dinner rush to be over before the guys can hold church, most Friday nights. Your food is a success and it’s pulled the bar and my ass out of trouble,” he said. “I just wanted to say thank you, Taz.”

“Not a problem, Boss,” Taz said. He knew that Ryker hated that nickname, but he just couldn’t help himself.

Ryker shook his head at Taz and started out of the kitchen. “Oh, by the way,” Ryker said. “The new girl, Kai is taking a culinary class as one of her college electives.”

“I didn’t know that they have culinary classes in college,” Taz challenged.

“Well, they do, and she’d like to help out in the kitchen. She says that they expected her to have some cooking experience for this class and she doesn’t cook. I told her that I’m fine with it, but that you needed to sign off on it too. I’m sure she’ll try to talk to you about it tonight,” Ryker said.

Taz nodded, “Thanks for the heads up,” he said. “I’m open to it,” he lied. He left out the part about how he planned on avoiding Kai for as long as it took. Hell, if he needed to give her the cold shoulder until her semester was over, he would, because there was no way that he’d want her anywhere near him. Taz didn’t need some college girl getting in his way. She was too young for him—hands-off, and he needed to remember that.

“You’re an awful liar, Taz,” Ryker teased. “You don’t like the new girl, do you?”

It wasn’t that he didn’t like her. Taz was afraid that he’d like her just fine if she’d give him the chance. “I really don’t have an opinion about her,” he lied. She was hot as fuck, and just his type, well, except for his rules about age. Anyone five years younger than him was someone he considered undatable and definitely unfuckable.

“I’d really love to know what’s running through that thick skull of yours, man,” Ryker said. “Like I said, you’re a fucking awful liar. She seems like a nice enough girl,” he said.

“You know, Harlow would have your balls if she heard you talking about another girl that way. And just because you dated one of the new waitresses, doesn’t mean that I want to,” Taz insisted. He was feeling more bitter about the whole topic by the second. He either needed to change the subject or get Ryker to leave him the hell alone—either worked for him.

“Listen, man,” Taz said. “I have to get moving on the special tonight. Was there anything else?” he asked.

Ryker chuckled, “Nope,” he said. “Just call me when you need me to be your taste tester.”

“Will do, boss,” Taz said. He noticed Ryker’s cringe as he walked out of the kitchen. Taz didn’t give a fuck though. Ryker had grated on his last nerve, calling him out about Kai. He didn’t want her in his kitchen, and that was the end of it. He wouldn’t answer to his club’s Prez or anyone else about how he felt about Kai—it wasn’t anyone’s business.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance