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No, Rainey would have to find a way to keep her questions at a minimum and her secret longing to make Slater’s cabin her and the kid’s permanent home, which was crazy since her entire life was back there. The kids had their doctors back home, along with all their friends and her sister. How could she even think about leaving all of that behind? But here she was, imagining a life with Slater and the kids up at his cabin; driving herself crazy with what-if scenarios in hopes that he might want the same thing, even if it did sound insane.

Rainey did what she always did when she was confused, called Beck to spill her guts. “Hey, Sis,” Beck answered on the second ring.

“How are you feeling?” Rainey asked.

“Like I’m the size of a houseboat,” Beck grumbled. “How are you and the kids doing up at Slater’s cabin?” she asked.

“Good,” Rainey breathed. “Maybe too good.”

“What does that mean?” Beck asked.

“I really like it up here,” Rainey admitted. “As in—I can see us all living up here permanently.”

“Permanently—as in forever?” her sister asked.

“Yes,” Rainey said. “I love it here. This place feels more like home than my house has in a long time. Since I lost Jack, that place hasn’t felt like my home, but I had no choice but to stay there. Now, with Slater, I have more options.”

“How does Slater feel about these options?” Beck asked.

“I haven’t asked him how he feels,” Rainey admitted.

“Well, I think that you’re avoiding him by calling me. You need to get off the phone with me and go talk to him,” Beck insisted.

“I would normally agree with you, and do as you’ve so bossily ordered, but I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” Rainey said.

“And why is that?” Beck asked.

“Because we’re so new, I won’t push him for answers for our future when we’ve only just begun. I just need some time,” she said. “I’ll get to it though,” she assured. “Thanks for talking.”

Beck giggled on the other end of the call. “No problem,” she said. “Although, I don’t think that I did anything.”

“You listened, Sis, and that means a lot,” Rainey assured. “Talk soon, Beck.”

“Talk soon,” Beck promised. “Love you, Sis.” Rainey ended the call feeling a little bit better. Beck always had that effect on her, even when she did most of the talking and already knew her answer before she had even decided to call. Beck was right—sooner or later, she’d have to sit down and talk to Slater about their future, and Rainey just chose to do it later.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance