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Slater spent most of his day filling in Jax about his new duties as the Heart’s night security. Beck had a room prepared for him and Jax unpacked and got settled. A part of him felt guilty as hell that he was leaving Knox high and dry at night, but another part of him felt like a giddy schoolboy at the prospect of spending the night with Rainey all night. He just wished that they didn’t have to keep this all a secret from her kids because sneaking around was going to suck, but he understood. He probably would have insisted on the same deal if it had been his son involved.

He packed an overnight bag and thought about how to ask Rainey about maybe keeping a few things at her place—but he’d broach that subject carefully. Their arrangement was all so brand new; he didn’t want to scare her off before he even got his chance with her.

“You heading out soon?” Knox asked. He tossed his toothbrush and toothpaste into his bag and nodded.

“You sure that you’re okay with all of this?” Slater asked. “I mean, I know that she’s your new sister-in-law and everything.”

“I’m fine with it,” he assured. “Beck, on the other hand, is worried that if you two break up, we’ll lose you or alienate her sister from coming over because she won’t want to have to see you.”

“All valid points,” Slater agreed. “But Rainey and I have only just begun. How about giving us a chance before you have us breaking up and ruining everyone’s lives?” he asked.

“Fair enough,” Knox said.

Slater sighed, “Listen, boss,” he said, “I’ve already thought about all of that. I mean, it’s why I didn’t ask her out for weeks, even when I wanted to. I needed to make sure that you and Beck were going to be okay with all of this, but I have to say, I would still want Rainey even if you weren’t. I like her,” he admitted. “Hell, I’m falling for her, if that’s even possible.”

Knox smiled. “I get it,” he admitted. “It’s how I fell for Beck. I guess they have more in common than they like to admit. They’re both pretty irresistible. But Rainey is also a single mom and from what Beck has told me, she’s been through hell with Jack, Sr.’s death. I just don’t want her or the kids to get hurt. Be sure that you’re in the for the long haul before you show up to her house tonight, Slater. I’m not telling you this as your boss, but as your friend. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.”

Slater nodded. “Will do,” he agreed. “But I’ve already decided, Knox. When it comes to Rainey and her kids, I’m all in.” He grabbed his bag and gave Knox a wave on his way out of his room. “See you at the casino in the morning, boss,” Slater said, passing him on his way out.

“See you in the morning,” Knox agreed.

* * *

It felt strange letting himself into Rainey’s house with the key that she gave him. Almost as if he were doing something wrong. Slater even looked around at the neighbor’s houses to make sure that no one was watching him, before pushing his way into her entryway.

As soon as he opened the door, he found her standing there, smiling at him, a bowl of popcorn in her hands. “Hey,” he breathed.

“Hi,” she said back. “I’ve picked a movie. Hope that’s all right with you.” He pulled her in for a kiss and nodded. He honestly didn’t care what the hell they watched as long as he got to hold her body cuddled up next to his on the sofa, while they watched it.

“We can watch whatever you’d like, honey,” he offered.

“You can pick next time,” she said. “Unless you’d make me watch some war movie or something scary.”

“Got it,” he said. “No war movies and nothing scary. Where should I put my bag?” he asked.

“Um, at the bottom of the steps and we can take it up later,” she offered.

“You’re sure about me spending the night?” he asked.

“Yes,” she agreed. “The only thing you need to be aware of is that some nights, Ella comes into my bedroom and crawls into bed with me. But I usually just carry her back to her bed and she goes back to sleep.” She giggled and grabbed his hand into hers. “You look like a deer stuck in the headlights,” she teased. “She’s two, Slater. Ella won’t even know that you’re there.”

“If you say so,” he agreed. “I just don’t want to cause you any headaches,” he said.

“Not at all,” she said. “I’m glad that you’re here.”

“Me too,” he agreed.

They settled down and watched the movie and Slater was surprised at how easy it felt to be with Rainey in her home. He didn’t feel like a guest, but more like he belonged there. It had been a damn long time since he felt as though he belonged anywhere.

After he got Gina pregnant in high school, his dream of going to college was dashed. He knew that he had to take care of his new little family and the only way he knew to do that was to join the Army. He wanted to make a career out of the military, but he also saw the disappointment in first his young wife’s eyes and then his son’s, every time he was shipped out. He had moved them around with him, as much as possible, but he knew that his new lifestyle was getting on his young wife’s nerves. She was struggling with being tied down and being a new mom, and nothing could fix the rift that grew between the two of them.

He'd argue that he was providing for her and Derrick, but she insisted that wasn’t what she wanted. She told him that she needed him to stick around, but Uncle Sam had other ideas for where they wanted him. He was shipped out on tour after tour and when he got back after his last tour, he realized that he didn’t have a family to come home to. Slater had heard from a few high school buddies that Gina was seeing some guy behind his back and really, he couldn’t blame her, although it hurt like hell. He convinced her to stick with him for a bit—telling her that it was the right thing to do for Derrick, but it wasn’t. His son deserved a happy home, not a broken one, to grow up in, but he didn’t see it at the time. All he saw was his wounded pride and the fact that he selfishly wanted her to give him another chance. Slater thought that if she’d stick around, she’d see that he wasn’t going anywhere himself and then, maybe give him another chance, but he was wrong.

“You good?” she asked. “You’re awful quiet and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t watched much of the movie.”

“I’m fine,” he said. “I was just thinking about how comfortable I feel here.”

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance