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“What about me?” he asked.

“Well, they didn’t seem to like the fact that you’re involved in a ‘motorcycle gang’,” she said, using air quotes around her words. “At least, that’s what they called it in my termination letter.”

“They can’t fire you for dating a guy in a motorcycle club,” he insisted. “Let me put one of my lawyers on this and I’m betting we can have you back in your position by the end of the day,” he promised.

“No,” she said, “they legally fired me for representing my sister. It was in my contract and I knowingly broke my end of the bargain. Besides, I’m not upset about losing my job. I hated that place and well, this gives me some free time to hang out with Bella and get used to being your wife.”

“I love that idea, Honey, but you also love being a lawyer,” he insisted. “Come work for the casino,” he said.

“While I appreciate the offer, I don’t think I’d be very good at dealing cards, Ace,” she teased.

“Not what I meant, Honey. You’d end up giving away all my damn money and then, what would I do?” he teased. “I was saying that you should come work for the casino in our law department. I have a team of lawyers and we’re always looking for new talent, especially with the second casino opening up.”

“But what about my extra time with Bella?” she asked. “I hate that we have to spend the whole day apart from her. I like Ashley, despite the way she fawns all over you,” Trinity grumbled. “But I want Bella around us more. She’ll only be little for so long and then she’ll be in school all day.”

“First, there is nothing wrong with the way Ashley appreciates me,” he teased, causing Trinity to roll her eyes. “And second, we can open a daycare here. We have a lot of parents who work at the casino and it would be good for business.”

“People will be able to see their kids during working hours,” she said. “Oh Ace, it’s a perfect idea,” Trinity agreed.

“Hey now, don’t be so surprised,” he grumbled. “I’m two for two when it comes to good ideas.”

“Oh—what was your other good idea?” she asked. “Asking you to marry me, of course,” he breathed. Ace pulled her down under his body and kissed her.

Trinity snaked her hands up over his shoulders, loving the weight of his body on hers. “While I love where this is heading, Ace,” she breathed. “We have a baby to pick-up from daycare, a marriage license to apply for, and a ceremony to show up to.” Ace’s frustrated growl filled his office, causing Trinity to giggle. “How about I promise to make it up to you later?” she whispered.

“Deal,” he agreed, letting her up. “I’ll meet you at the courthouse at noon.”

“I’ll be the one in white,” she said. She had a beautiful dress overnighted to the penthouse and she had a notice on her cell that it had been delivered, just before she got to the casino. She couldn’t wait to go home and try it on and get ready to marry her guy.

Tags: K.L. Ramsey Smokey Bandits MC Romance