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“Good. Because I need to send you off on an assignment. You’re the best person for it, and I want you to take Sola to watch your back.” Jordan planted his feet. Given the gray suit and expensive-as-fuck watch he was wearing, he really didn’t seem like someone to be messed with.

“Will you brief us in the morning? What time?” Aarav took out his phone to add an appointment to his calendar.

“We don’t have the luxury of waiting. You’re leaving. Right now.” Jordan pointed toward the back door. “Your flight takes off in twenty minutes. Wren is packing you some food to go.”

Sola looked down at her gorgeous dress and sighed. “I should have known I wasn’t really meant to be at the ball. Fine. It’s not like I’m going to be doing anything better tonight. Give me five to change.”

“Thanks.” Jordan put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “For the record, I’m paying you both double for missing out on the rest of the evening. And who knows…maybe it’ll give you some time alone to hash things out.”

“Doubt it.” Sola took off for the elevators.

“All I’m going to say is this.” Jordan stepped closer and met Aarav’s gaze directly. “You’d be stupid not to try your best to fix whatever just went sideways between you two. Make the most of the trip alone on the private jet, man.”

While Jordan probably hadn’t intended to imply that Aarav and Sola should become members of the mile-high club and fuck this tension out of their systems, that thought wouldn’t leave Aarav’s head as they raced for the regional airport where their ride and details on the case awaited.

In fact, he was pretty sure that the sexy times that ensued on that flight were entirely their boss’s fault. But that didn’t make it any easier to figure out how to show Sola she meant so much more to him than a quick fuck. Especially when they had a corrupt, wealthy bookmaker and money launderer to eliminate before the pursuit of profits could claim the lives of any more innocents.

* * *

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic