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“When I thought we’d lost you…” Laurel’s whisper cracked, shredding Nolan’s heart along with it.

“Shh. You didn’t. Not this time. I can’t promise you won’t ever though. Are you sure you want to sign up for that?” Nolan knew this could be the part of him they couldn’t accept. And he wouldn’t blame them. Was he willing to give it all up to stay with them?

Yeah, he would if that’s what it took to have his soulmates.

Jace took Nolan’s chin in his hand and angled his face so he couldn’t ignore the truth blazing in the other man’s eyes. “We love you for who you are. For your heart and your sense of what’s right.”

“For fighting for those who can’t do it for themselves,” Laurel added, touching her hand to his chest over his heart. “We would never ask you to change for us.”

“Oh. Okay then.” Nolan was sure he should have come up with something better than that to say when they eased every doubt he’d ever had about finding not only one but two incredible people to share his bed and his life with. He knew in that moment that they were a set, never to be broken apart.

“So to celebrate, I think you should let us love you,” Laurel murmured, already flicking the buttons on her top open one by one.

“I’m not going to argue.” Nolan sighed. “Except…I hope you don’t mind if I’m kind of lazy about it.”

Jace snorted. “I’m surprised you can get hard at all.”

“That’s not a problem.” Nolan looked at his two lovers then down at his steely cock. With them touching him, telling him everything he’d ever wished for was within reach, it had refused to lie dormant.

“Then lie there and letustake care ofyoufor once.” Laurel kissed him languidly as Jace carefully removed Nolan’s sweats.

Finally, there was only skin on skin on skin.

Slow movements and lots of long, sensual kisses. Caresses and sighs.

No sense of urgency. They had an entire lifetime to love each other. Again and again.

Nolan had no idea how many hours they spent like that, locked together, simply soaking up the positive energy and endless pleasure they could bring each other. But eventually he needed more.

From where he rested on his side, Laurel in front of him and Jace spooning him, he shifted and his cock tipped upward. Instead of sliding between Laurel’s thighs, where she’d been cradling him, he pressed the barest bit inside.

“Mmm. Yes.” Laurel adjusted the angle of her hips to fit him more completely within her.

Distracted by her tight heat, Nolan didn’t realize Jace had retrieved the lube from somewhere and slathered his fingers with it until they began to search around his ass.

Nolan groaned.

“Is this okay?” Jace asked.

“Dying for you to fuck me,” Nolan admitted. “I want to be between you two. Buried in her and impaled on your cock.”

“That can be arranged.” Jace smirked before coating his dick and replacing his fingers with the blunt head of it.

Laurel drew Nolan’s attention, kissing him deeply. She trailed her fingers down the exposed column of his neck on the opposite side of his wound then over his pec as Jace advanced. The other man’s cock was thick and long, spreading him open as if they’d done this a million times before. But they hadn’t.

It was the first time he’d held Jace inside him, as he’d craved for so long. Being hugged tight by Laurel as Jace burrowed inside made him feel, finally, complete. At the center of their universe, surrounded by their love and attention and adoration, he believed them.

They loved him and hoped for the same things he did. A life together. One filled with lazy sex in the mornings, weekends watching Jace perform, filling a home of their own with the amazing art pieces Laurel crafted and took for granted. Peace when he wasn’t in the middle of an underground war. Maybe someday even children of their own to raise as they wished they’d grown up.

Bliss would carry him through the darkest nights and cleanse the taint on his soul that threatened to stain him after spending too much time in the company of the dregs of humanity.

Nolan reached behind him, clasping Jace’s flank and drawing him even closer, deeper. At the same time he leaned forward, sealing his mouth to Laurel’s. She swallowed his moans and he did the same for her as the three of them fused into a single inseparable unit.

They stayed that way for a long time, barely moving, swaying together and enjoying simply being bonded so tightly. When the bliss of knowing he belonged to them heart and soul overwhelmed him, he poured himself into Laurel even as the pulses of his ass inspired Jace to flood him with his release.

Laurel cried out both of their names as she clenched then released in rolling waves that seemed to batter her for ages. It had been the best sex of his life and they’d hardly moved. But they were tangled together in a three-way embrace that he would never extract himself from.

With everything right in his world, and a wide smile on his face, Nolan closed his eyes. Jace and Laurel whispered to him together, “I love you.”

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic