Either way, his lips on hers, and the way he stroked her, caressed her, she found that harder than anything else.

She sat on the floor at the edge of the bed, knees drawn up, arms wrapped around them, waiting.

In the distance, she heard a woman scream. They’d ordered some prostitutes to entertain themselves. She hoped they would all drink and drug themselves into comas so she’d be able to find an opportunity to escape. She was always looking for a chance to leave. Always. She was determined to get out of there, one way or another. They would get sloppy.

She’d never known anyone at the Twisted Monsters to hit the drugs. They had a lot of parties but there was always someone keeping an eye on things. They never turned their back on danger.

Did Preacher miss her?

Resting her head on her knees, she tried not to feel sick about what could be happening. For all he knew, she was dead and he was waiting for her body.

The door of the hotel room opened.

“Figured you’d want something to eat,” Reaper said.

She stayed silent as he closed the door. This was a new experience for her. He liked her company when he ate. She tried to give him the silent treatment and it never seemed to bother him.

“How do you feel about Chinese food?” he asked.

Again, silence.

He grabbed her chin, tilted her head back, and forced her to look at him. “You will learn to answer me or the only thing you’re going to be eating is my cum. I’ll shove my dick so far down your throat, you’ll choke on it.”

She tried to pull back but he wouldn’t let her go. “Chinese is fine,” she said.

He let her go and she expected a blow to the face, but he didn’t deliver it.

She waited.

One second.


Maybe a minute?

She didn’t know, but when no pain came, she opened her eyes.

He stared down at her. “Are you done? I’m not going to hit you unless you deserve it.”

“And you think any woman deserves to be hit?”

“I know some women do need a good slap,” he said.

She hated him.

“Now, you’re being stubborn and I’m just doing my best to try and make your time go more easily.”

“Then take me back home.”

“Not going to happen. You’re going to have to get used to this place being your home. Now, eat up. I want you to stay big and strong.”

Would it be so hard if she plunged the spork into his eye?

Figuring she wouldn’t get far, and that she had to plan her getaway stealthily, she opened the first carton of Chinese food and started to eat.

“See, that’s not so hard, is it? You take a bite, enjoy, and we can both be happy.”

She didn’t say anything else to him but kept on eating her food.

He opened a cartoon and she watched him scoop up some noodles. The moments like this, where they were both normal, they were the hardest for her. She didn’t know if her life would be a lot easier if he beat her up, hurt her.

“This is good, no?”

“Yeah, it’s good.”

“See, this isn’t so hard. So, before all of this, what did you plan to do?” Reaper asked.

“Why do you care?” she asked. There was no attitude to her question. She was simply curious to know why he would even want to know.

“Call me curious. I’m not just a big kidnapping thug. I have feelings as well, you know.” He smirked. “I’m guessing graduating would have been at the top of your list?”

“Yes. I won’t graduate now.”

“Doesn’t mean you won’t ever,” he said.

“You’re planning on sending me back?”

“Hell, no. I think what you need to realize, Robin, is that I’m not letting you go.”

“If this is all revenge or whatever for Preacher, why do you think it’ll work keeping me around? I’m nothing.”

“We both know you’re more than nothing to him.” He laughed. “I think it’s fun to keep shit from him, especially when it’s something he really wants, and you, Robin, you’re far more precious than a jewel. Right now, he’s looking for you. He’ll use up favors and drain away people’s patience in his search for you. Only, you’re never going to go back to him. When the time comes, you’re always going to pick me.”

“You’re crazy,” she said. “I will always pick Preacher.”

“Aw, poor old Bishop. He never did have a chance with you, did he?”

“Don’t you dare mention his name to me,” she said, hatred unlike anything she had ever experienced before consuming her, and it was all directed at her best friend.

No, he wasn’t her best friend. He would never be her best friend.

“A little touchy there, I see. One day, you’re going to have to face the reality of how you’re feeling.”

“Fuck you.”

“You’ve got a sexy mouth. I wonder how you’ll sound when you’re begging me for more.” He grabbed the back of her neck, tilted her head back, and before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her. His tongue plunged into her mouth.

Tags: Sam Crescent In the Arms of Monsters Romance