“Yeah, of course.”

She got to her feet and nearly plunged forward. Preacher grabbed her and she held on to his body, staring up into his blue eyes. They were really beautiful.

“I had brown hair,” she said.

“You remember?

“The pictures. In each one, I had brown hair.”

“Of course, you did. It’s your natural hair color.”

“And now I dye it?” she asked.

“The hair is new to me. I’ve never known you to dye your hair.”

“So it’s not normal?”

“I guess we’ll see.” He helped her downstairs. It was difficult on the crutches but she somehow managed to do it.

“You’re a strong person, Robin. You’re going to get through this, no matter how hard it may seem right now.”

Chapter Six

Two years ago

Robin climbed off the back of Reaper’s bike and before anyone could stop her, she made a run for it. She had to get back to Preacher. He had to learn the truth. There was no way she could allow Reaper to kill her. She hadn’t even told Preacher she might love him. She cried out as she was shoved to the ground. Tears filled her eyes as her head hit the hard, dirty ground. This couldn’t be happening to her. Not after everything she had already gone through. She wanted Preacher. He would protect her.

“You know, I’m going to enjoy keeping you around,” Reaper said.

He held her back down to the ground, smearing her cheek on the dry dirt. She couldn’t control her screams as the sharp rocks dug into her cheek. The flesh too soft to handle such harsh conditions.

“Please,” she said.

“What is it? You want to say sorry?” he asked.

“Yes, yes. I’m so sorry.” She wanted to spit in his face, kick him in the balls, and run in the opposite direction, but she couldn’t do either of those options. She had to be a good girl, at least for now.

Reaper didn’t let up on his hold. “You know, this time with us could go either good or bad. It really is up to you.”

“Fuck you,” she screamed as he gripped her ass tightly. His hold would leave bruises on her tender flesh in the morning.

“One day, you’re going to stop giving me sass and realize this is your life now. You belong to me, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” His lips were next to her ear so she had no choice but to listen to him.

The pain in her cheek and on her ass was intense.

Don’t cry.

Please, don’t fucking cry.

Tears leaked out of her eyes and she sobbed. “Please.”

She didn’t want to ask this man for anything or beg. Didn’t want to give in to him. Preacher would want her to be strong and so would her dad. She wasn’t weak. She was a strong woman and could face anything and anyone, only, she felt useless.

Reaper laughed. “Don’t you worry, sweet girl. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to learn begging is a skill you’re going to need.”

His weight was off her and he grabbed her shoulders, pulling her to stand up until she faced him.

Her heart raced at the cruelty she saw within his gaze. This wasn’t a nice man. He was a mean, vile, disgusting man, and right now, she was at his mercy. For how long, she didn’t know. There had to be some way of getting messages back to Preacher for him to know where she was and what was happening.

Looking around the open ground, she didn’t have a single clue where she was. If she hadn’t held on to Reaper, she would’ve fallen off the bike. Even though this was the last place she wanted to be, dying wasn’t an option.

Blood dripped down her cheek and as she swiped at it, she cringed at the sight. It was all a little too much for her at that moment.

Reaper stared down her body and smiled. “I can see why he likes you.”

“Let me go.”

“Not going to happen. Robin, you and I are going to have some fun.”


Present day

Robin woke up to the sound of knocking at her door. The nightmare at the fringes of her mind tingled down her spine but as she tried to think of what the dream meant, it faded into nothing.

“Morning, sunshine,” Bear said, entering her bedroom, carrying a tray.

“Breakfast in bed? Did I do something good?”

“You came back to us,” he said. “You’re healthy and we’re going to get through this.”

“Healthy? My foot is shattered. I can’t remember anything, and I’ve got a husband who feels like I betrayed him because I’d rather live here than be with him.” She winced. “Sorry, that feels like an overshare.”

“It’s good.”

Sitting up in bed, she grabbed a pillow and placed it over her lap. “Nah, it’s not. I probably should spend some time with Bishop. He might help me jog my memory.”

Tags: Sam Crescent In the Arms of Monsters Romance