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“Besides wanting to fuck you? And tie your line to mine forcibly?”

Oh, I didn’t like that at all. Christ.

“The Ross family has been slowly destroying my family’s assets. We are going to be nothing in a few years. It hasn’t been an outright battle, but they are the reason everything has fallen apart,” he growled, looking suddenly furious. “Torin Ross is the reason my mom killed herself. Did you know that?”

My mouth dried up. King’s father… “What?”

“Yep.” He sighed, almost dramatically. “She found out my dad was losing millions, and she just…offed herself. Bitch was already dealing with a lot, so I am positive that she wanted a way out. After all, how do you live with yourself, being married to a man that forced you into a situation where you had to stay, especially if there is no money?”

I had to keep him talking. “Forced?”

“Yes. My father raped my mother, and ten months later she brought her ‘pride and joy’ into the world,” he stated casually, almost bored. “I thought it was horrible until I realized that she had no choice but to stay with him because her own family didn’t want her. So I suppose if the ends justify the means…”

“You are so fucked up.” My voice was hoarse.

Ian offered me a sick grin. “And I am going to make sure that you are as messed up as me. I plan on breaking you in front of them and then keeping you by my side. At least you can serve a purpose then.” The gore on the screen didn’t compare to the picture that he was painting for me.

“I. Will. Never. Be. With. You.” My words were calm and serious as anger filled his gaze.

“You are living in a fantasy if you think that,” he snapped before relaxing once again, “but I suppose that has been your entire life, hasn’t it? One fantasy after another.”

I couldn’t help my final question.

“Why are the Rosses after you?” I had to know. It was the only question left; everything else about him being part of this was making far too much sense.

Ian stood up and walked backwards a step, his gaze growing darker. “You think my mother was my father’s first try? His first attempt at starting a more prestigious line? No, Dahlia. I think you will find Haven Ross is intimately aware of my father’s…preferences.”

I think I saw red for a second as I realized what he was saying. Ian saw the realization on my face and barked out a laugh at the fury and horror there. “If only he had knocked the bitch up, then King and I could be at least half-brothers. Imagine that.”

I couldn’t imagine anything, anger running over my skin like live wire.

No one hurt my family.

“Just know, Dahlia, that I will take pleasure in breaking your fantasy apart.”

I had no doubt. It wouldn’t come to that though.

“Ian,” I called out as he continued to walk back towards the door.

“What?” He looked over his shoulder with disinterest.

“You won’t survive this.”

His face paled before he slammed the door, a sense of satisfaction running through me at his obvious fear. The picture he painted was scary, but I couldn’t believe it would come to that. No, my boys would come find me, and he would die.

Before I had a chance to try to talk to the guards, the door opened and Dermot’s father stood there. “Bring her. It’s time for the real fun.”

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic