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Natalie disappeared like a whirlwind as Dermot sat down in the chair right next to mine so we were both facing the ocean. I turned my body to look up at him, and his eyes traced my face, looking for a reaction.

“What is all this?” I asked curiously, knowing this wasn’t a restaurant or any type of normal business.

“I took as many opportunities as possible to get out of the compound and my family home growing up,” he offered quietly, looking pensive and maybe a bit sad. “Monaco is one of my favorite locations that we hold property in, and when Uncle Torin needed someone to supervise the new construction process, I was the first to volunteer. Natalie’s husband was one of the contractors, and they used to invite me for dinner up here every weekend.”

That made sense.

“It’s beautiful,” I admitted softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

“It is,” he agreed and then leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Then again, anywhere with you is beautiful, Dahlia.”

This man was going to kill me. Seriously, I felt like I was absolutely melting.

My cheeks flushed as I leaned further into him. “You’re sort of a romantic, Dermot… I love it.”

His face was serious as he cupped my jaw. “I wasn’t anything before you, Dahlia. These feelings aren’t ones I’m used to, and I know I will probably mess up, but I am going to do my damn best to show you how I feel whenever I can… The other night scared the hell out of me, baby girl. I thought I lost you. I really thought I fucking lost you.”

“You will never lose me,” I promised.

The promise was one I hoped to keep, and for a moment, the two of us were suspended in time, wrapped up in one another. When we were interrupted by them bringing out food, the moment was broken, the tone turning more relaxed but equally as comfortable.

That was how it had always been with Dermot, so natural and comfortable. It was like I’d known the man forever.

When Dermot started telling me about how King and him used to get into so much trouble, it became very clear through his words alone, the fondness of his memories, that the two were extremely close. I loved that. I loved that so damn much.

I couldn’t tell you how long we sat there, but eventually it became a little chilly, and he wrapped me up in his jacket. Even after I was stuffed full of good food, including pastries and a bit of wine, Natalie tried to feed me more, and it was fully night by the time we wished her goodbye and walked back towards the helicopter, a happy buzz running through my system.

I let out a contented sigh as we reached the helicopter.

Dermot surprised me, pressing me up against the side of the helicopter, kissing me slow and deep, as if he were savoring the experience. I felt my entire body flush at how he held me. It was both with a demanding and firm touch, but also as if I was breakable. I loved both aspects.

I loved Dermot.

“We need to get back,” he murmured.

“You sure?” I teased. “We could just sleep out here, it’s nice enough.”

Dermot let out a rumble. “I want you in my bed.”

I made a small sound of agreement, not knowing if he meant to just sleep or far more, but either way it sounded absolutely amazing. Being wrapped up in his arms was one of my favorite places to be.

Once I was buckled up in the helicopter, my eyes fell heavy as I curled into the seat, barely noticing the headset that was put on me. I dozed off happily, not worried about anything for the first time in days.

* * *

Dermot Ross

Pride surged through me at how happy Dahlia looked, replacing any of the stress and anger I’d felt this past week. The radiant woman was sleeping easy because of me, and I was so fucking glad that I had decided to do this. There had been a part of me that had been nervous, which was almost laughable considering the shit I’d done in my life…hell, even considering everything between Dahlia and me.

Yet the idea of taking Dahlia on a date had been a bit nerve-wracking.

The flight back was smooth, and when we neared the estate, I was unsurprised to see Kingston and Stratton waiting near the flight pad, both talking and looking at the sky expectantly. As I landed, I hopped out and rounded the aircraft, easing her out of her seat as I nodded towards both of them.

“Good night?” King asked, looking more stressed than when I left. I realized pretty quickly then that there was tension running through both of them… I just didn’t understand why.

“Very. What’s wrong?”

“I can take her,” Stratton offered. I grunted but handed my baby girl off. Stratton strode towards the house, his steps faster than normal. King was staring towards them, mainly at Dahlia, in thought, before motioning me to follow towards the house.

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic