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“I just don’t understand how you got a bed this big, King,” I pointed out, the sunshine streaking across the emerald green bedding in the late morning light.

I had woken up maybe only thirty-minutes ago, and the day was already looking up, especially since my sleeping arrangements had been more than ideal.

After dinner, our families had stayed up long enough into the night that I’d fallen asleep tucked into Stratton’s side. When I woke, I found myself in a truly massive bedroom. The ceiling was easily two stories and peaked with wooden beams, the stone walls making it look like a medieval bedroom suite fit for…well, a king. Considering it was Kingston’s bedroom, I was finding that fairly amusing.

That was the first thing I noticed, followed by the fact that I was in bed with all of them.Yes, all of them.My fantasies come to life.

My head had been resting on Dermot’s chest, and King had fallen asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist with his face pressed against my stomach. Stratton had knocked out next to me, and to his far side was Lincoln, his glasses tossed to the side and his face more relaxed than I’d seen it in days.

Sterling had slept to the other side of Dermot, his hand up and behind his head, his face completely peaceful. When I’d slowly sat up to look for Yates, I’d found him spread out horizontally, closer to the end of the bed, his laptop closed and laying on his chest, his one hand reaching out to wrap around my ankle. Honestly, the moment had been enough to nearly make me tear up with happiness.

However, it was a pain in the butt to get up and try to go pee. When I finally managed it, I also brushed my teeth before trying to slip back into bed.

Now, thirty minutes later, I was sitting on the plush bed in my pajamas, slowly sipping coffee that had been delivered minutes ago as my men got up for the day.

“Yes, King,” Lincoln chuckled, “How did you get a bed so big?”

King narrowed his gaze at Lincoln but then looked back at me with warmth. “I had it made.”

I arched my brow. “Why?”

My old insecurities would have had me thinking it was for…well, I didn’t even want to go down that mental path. I knew better now, though, and I waited patiently as I watched his jaw clench, caution filling his gaze. Hadn’t he realized that nothing he could say would change my mind about him?

“Because I eventually hoped we would be here, like this,” King admitted, motioning to the room. I smiled at the sweet notion while Lincoln shook with laughter at King’s embarrassment from where he sat behind me, up against the large wooden headboard.

“I love this,” I admitted, looking towards the window and the large assortment of leather couches that sat in front of the fireplace, where Sterling, Stratton, and Dermot sat drinking coffee and watching the news. The broadcast was set low enough that I couldn’t hear what it was saying, but if I had to guess it was something to do with everything that had happened.

“Good, I have one in each property,” King said happily.

The bedroom door opened as Yates walked in, the only one of us dressed and ready for the day, his gaze immediately meeting mine. “King, your dad wants to see all of you before we leave. Bunny, if you want, I can show you around for when we eventually come back.”

“Yes please.” I hopped up and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. I have to say, I was completely unsurprised to find an entire area of the counter stocked with my products. Brushing out my hair, I washed my face, not bothering to shower since I had last night before bed. My hair had dried surprisingly wavy today, and I didn’t bother braiding it, slipping on a robe before walking back into the now-empty bedroom.

Momentarily, my thoughts strayed to the conversation I had with my parents last night.

“Are you sure you are comfortable with this?” my dad asked, his tone filled with a serious nature that I didn’t often hear from him. “I understand what Torin wants, but I don’t care about that. I want to know what you want. If you want to go home with us or stay here with us, that’s what we will do. You come first, so if you don’t want to go with the boys to Monaco before heading home, you don’t have to.”

I had a feeling my dad was still recovering from the revelation of the situation at hand. Well, that and his daughter being kidnapped and almost dying.

Yeah, my parents were probably going to be a bit protective for…well, forever.

My mom’s arms were wrapped around me as we sat off to the side of the small get-together, my answer one that I was feeling far more confident in as the minutes passed.

“I think this is for the best. Not only is it dangerous to be together, because that’s what the media will expect, but I know Mr. Ross needs your help, Dad. He may not have said it directly, but it seems both of you”—I narrowed my eyes playfully at my mom—“have been at this for a bit.”

“I knew you would eventually find out,” my dad conceded, “but I didn’t want it to be like this. I didn’t want such a horrible situation—”

“I knew before this,” I responded evenly. “King told me what his family was involved in before we left for the trip. Plus, I feel way better.”

“Honey,” my mom spoke quietly, “I know you feel better, but—”

“I want to be with them. I want to go to Monaco with them.” My words were clear, and I could tell both of them understood where I was coming from. “They have always been with me, and that isn’t going to change now. I promise you, if I wasn't okay with this situation, I would tell you.”

My dad exchanged a look with my mom before nodding. “As long as that’s what you want. Torin is sending the best of his security with you, including Owen Stoll, but make sure you listen to the boys as well. Trust your judgment, and if they say something is dangerous, it probably is.”

“Especially with how protective they are,” my mom added.

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic