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“What is this?” I asked finally.

“Yates sent it to me yesterday sometime, I think.” He frowned as if unsure of the timing, which I didn’t blame him for, considering how crazy everything had been. “He thinks it may be a good purchase and wants our parents to check it out while they travel.”

I ate two more grapes, realizing I felt far more relaxed now that I didn’t feel as though they were waiting for me to eat. “Good purchase for…”

“A vacation home,” Sterling answered, sitting down.

“For Yates?”

“No, for us.” Sterling flashed a smile. “All of us.”

“We are buying houses together now?” I mused, my smile growing.

King walked in, followed by Dermot and Stratton. Lincoln let out a chuckle at King’s eyes flashing over the property on the screen.

“Dahlia just asked if we are now purchasing properties together.” Lincoln pointed the comment towards King.

“What the fuck is with everyone busting my balls today?” King grunted as he walked into the office… Well, he started to before turning back and scooping me up. I wrapped my arms around him, very curious about how Lincoln’s question was ‘busting his balls.’ Something that sounded very unpleasant, for the record.

“What are we doing?” I asked as he set me on the edge of the desk and began to pace in front of it. Yates’s hand instantly shot out to intertwine with mine, which rested on the wood surface.

“You are about to get all the answers you want and some you very much don’t want, probably,” he muttered.

I smiled.Perfect.

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic