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I shook my head as I tried to lean back, but it turned out Yates wasn’t really asking. In a second flat, I was lifted out of the chair and put onto the desk as he stepped between my legs, spreading them open without invitation. I moaned slightly as his lips seared mine in a rough, demanding, almost frenzied kiss that had my heart turning into a hummingbird.

It was impossible to compare to the others’ kisses, because each was so different. This had a wild and rough edge that I hadn’t expected, and I found myself wanting to pull him down on top of me so I could feel his weight between my legs. I gripped his hair hard enough that he let out a deep growl, his fingers biting into my thighs as they wrapped around his hips. Sugar exploded in my mouth as his tongue brushed my own, making my head spin in a dizzying, almost high-like effect.

How had we gone so long without kissing? Holy smokes. Our first kiss had been nothing like this, and I honestly wasn’t positive how I had been missing out on this for so long.

My lips felt bruised as he finally pulled back, his hair messy and his silver eyes bright and dilated as he continued to look at me, his breathing rough and uneven. Good lord. I had no idea what to do about this. I found myself wanting to kiss him again. And again.

“I really shouldn’t work here,” I breathed out as he nodded sharply, his gaze almost wild.

“I couldn’t agree more, no idea what I was thinking.” He groaned, putting his head against my collarbone, and I smiled as I tightened my legs around him. Was now the time to remind him he wanted to be a nosy bastard?

“You aren’t allowed out in this outfit again, ever.” He nipped my neck as I let out a small moan, nodding before I had a chance to stop myself. Ugh. I was going to make sure to wear it now. He had to know that.

Before he could say anything else, a knock on the door had both of us freezing momentarily before coming to our senses, Yates easily plopping me back down on the chair and adjusting his suit coat, still looking completely out of sorts. I almost laughed, because as he tried to hide his massive hard-on, his gaze narrowed on me, letting me know I was going to be in trouble for taking amusement in his pain.

What? How was that my fault! Probably wouldn’t be as painful if he wasn’t as big… I should tell him that.

No. He would love that way too much.

Yates leaned against the desk and called out ‘come in’ as the door opened to reveal Mr. Carter. My face turned bright red as I squeaked out a ‘hi,’ making him chuckle and offer Yates a look that almost seemed knowing.

Did he know? Oh god.

Yates inhaled sharply before blurting out, “Dahlia and I have decided she is going to focus on her classes at Silver Oak instead of working here.”

Mr. Carter let out an actual laugh before shaking his head. “Yeah, that sounds about right. Is that okay with you, Dahlia?”

“Yep,” I popped the ‘p’ as Yates flashed a small smile at my blush.

His father nodded. “Why don’t you both take off. I have to finish up a few things here before we leave for this trip. I’m closing the office for the week.”

Before I could be polite and ask about the prep for the trip, Yates was already ushering me through the door as I shouted out a ‘goodbye’ to his amused father. I pulled my purse against me as I tried to not smile at the way Yates was practically picking me up to leave.

Crap. Did we need a story for the parents? Or did they not actually know?

I was pressed up against my car suddenly, in front of the office where I was sure others could see us, as Yates kissed me so damn hard I actually wondered if he was trying to fuse us together. When he pulled back, he offered me a grumpy scowl.

“You aren’t allowed to come to my office anymore, either,” he grumbled, opening up the passenger seat and taking the key from my purse before I slipped in. He tugged the seatbelt across me as I smirked, then closed the door gently and nearly stomped around the damn car. I was openly laughing as he finally got in.

“I thought this was going to be my office also?” I mused.

I think it was possible I had broken Yates. He was muttering under his breath and shaking his head as we drove home. My smile only grew as I found Dermot and Kingston playing basketball in Kingston’s driveway. Now that was a sight a girl could appreciate. Both men were in just athletic shorts, completely shirtless.

How did they have abs that hard? They were perfect. This was unfair. King was more lean and cut than Dermot, but the latter was like a freakin’ mountain. Goodness gracious. I just couldn’t handle these men.

Yates pulled into King’s driveway, and I smiled as he walked around the car and lifted me out before kissing the hell out of me. I stood, shocked as he got back inmycar, drove it next door, parked it, and stormed across King’s yard towards his house. I was laughing so hard that I was nearly crying.

“Where are you going?!” King yelled at him.

Yates turned with a frustrated expression. “I need some time away from bunny. I’ll be back out. Dahlia, go change out of that shit, now.” I was holding my center and laughing hard enough that I had to wave away tears that were threatening to form.

Dermot tilted his head. “Is he going to jerk off or some shit?”

“Stop,” I gasped, clutching my stomach. “I can’t.”

His reaction was so extreme! I couldn’t help but laugh.But was he? I wouldn’t have minded watching that… Lord. What was wrong with me?

“Christ, Dahlia,” Kingston chuckled, “what did you do to the man?”

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic