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Dahlia Aldridge

On our drive towards the club, I scrolled through King’s playlist on his phone, Yates scowling at my choices as I flashed him a smile, not caring what he wanted. I could feel Sterling’s fingers playing on my lower back as Lincoln said something to him that sounded nearly pained. I would have looked back, but honestly, I was a bit worried about meeting Sterling’s gaze. I shouldn’t have been, but I was nervous. Sue me.

After picking Janelle Monáe, I sat back, Lincoln’s hand wrapping around my thigh as I offered him a curious look. Sterling chuckled softly as his brother stared out the window, causing me to look up at him as my cheeks turned pink. I could see amusement and relief flash in his gaze at whatever he saw on my face, his lips pressing to my temple. I found myself relaxing after that.

See? Everything was fine. With Sterling and Stratton, at least. I could deal with my other insecurities later, because let’s face it—most of them weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately.

As we pulled through the security gate, I found myself bouncing in anticipation. The valet immediately stepped up as Kingston put the car into park and Lincoln stepped out, helping me jump down from the large SUV.

I let out a surprised sound as I nearly slammed into King’s muscular frame, his fingers closing on my waist as I met his heated green eyes. He looked over my outfit and muttered a small curse, making me frown.

“Is it really that bad?” I asked sincerely, not wanting to look inappropriate.

“No,” Lincoln interjected while casting King a look, his arm wrapping around me and pulling me from him. “Come on, Dahlia. Trust me, you look beautiful.”

I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face at that.

“That’s the problem!” I thought I heard Yates yell, but I was distracted by Lincoln leading me to one of the golf carts parked out front that would allow us to make it out back to the lake in a speedy fashion.

“Thanks.” I flashed one of the attendants a smile as he met it, flashing dimples before looking over my shoulder. His smile disappeared as he paled slightly and ran off. I turned and looked at Lincoln, who was next to me, his sweet, relaxed smile making me wonder what the hell the attendant’s problem was.

“What was his problem?” I asked curiously as Lincoln started up the cart, leaving the other boys calling after us, making me almost laugh.

Lincoln’s eyes flashed behind his glasses. “Maybe he realized what a creep he was being, who knows?”

Creep? Had he been creepy? I leaned into him and moved past the thoughts, not wanting to miss the stunning way the course seemed to light up in the sunset. Plus, I may have been gazing a bit at Lincoln, wishing I’d brought my camera because of how gorgeous he looked tonight. His eyes flashed down to me as I snapped my gaze away, his soft chuckle making me feel only a bit embarrassed but far less when his arm tightened around me.

Clearly he didn’t mind me staring like a creep.

My concerns disappeared as I watched the bonfire grow in the distance, the last few beams of the sunset glinting off the lake. There were already a good amount of people there, including my own parents, no doubt, who, if I had to assume, were set up underneath the designated beer ‘tent’ here, which was far more of a pavilion with a massive bar. That wasn’t even including the vendors set up throughout the area, with drinks and food being served up left and right. The entire space smelled delicious, and music was starting up, making a hum fill my chest.

I had a feeling people were going to drink a lot tonight, including our parents. Something that didn’t happen very often in public, but was always hilarious, in my opinion. One time, when Mrs. Ross had been drunk, she’d told me that she already had an entire plan for my wedding and the perfect dress designer picked out. Haven hadn’t clarified who I would be marrying, but now I was curious about what she thought, because frankly it was far more appealing now that I had graduated.

I could feel eyes on us as our golf cart came to a stop, the boys shortly following. I smiled up at Dermot when he appeared at the side of my cart, taking his hand as he helped me hop out. Not that I needed help, but I would never say no to his offer, wanting to feel what his rough hand felt like against my own.

Before finding a place to sit, we made our way towards the large bar that was closest to the lake. A familiar bartender stood behind it and offered me a smile, making me a drink without asking what I wanted. My mom had called her an alcohol genius, and I couldn’t deny that she was just that. Whenever she worked an event, I made sure she made my drink. After I grabbed my vodka and lime soda, I went to go sit down at a table that overlooked the lake. I could feel the guys hovering slightly, and I had to wonder if I was imagining that or if they were really standing that close.

King’s fingers rested on my hip as he sat down next to me, Dermot to my other side, the two of them wrapping me in a warm, familiar cologne. I had the urge to hold Dermot’s hand, but I didn’t want to push it, because he had been nothing but friendly towards me. Although, we were supposed to be dating… which was why it was unsurprising what happened next.

In some ways, I was happy it occurred now, rather than later.

“Dahlia,” Abby’s voice sang as I looked up to find her and Max standing there, completely focused on me. The latter had a predatory look in his eye that I knew I wasn’t imagining, because King stiffened next to me. The happy tone that had been surrounding the table was suddenly far stiffer as I felt the twins and Yates go quiet, silencing any conversation.

“Abby, Max,” I leveled, trying to keep that indifferent attitude up.

“I never caught your boyfriend’s name, so I wanted to make sure we officially met,” she purred as Dermot’s hand tightened on my leg, almost making me jump.

“I didn’t offer it.”

Had I just said that? I tried to not show my surprise at my own words as Dermot literally chuckled next to me. Abby stared at me before her eyes traveled to King’s arm still around me.

“Are you sure you two are dating?” she questioned.

“Why the fuck do you care?” Yates voiced, causing Max to offer him a scowl.

“Just curious,” Abby said, putting her hands up defensively.

“You’re never just curious, Abby,” Sterling leveled.

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic