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Dahlia Aldridge

I absolutely loved my parents, really. But I had no need to hear them dote on one another, because they could get ridiculously lovey-dovey, and sometimes I didn’t think they even realized they were doing it. It was amazing to see how in love they still were, nearly obsessed with one another, but I was blessed to have had only one awkward run-in throughout my entire childhood.

I mean, to be fair, they had thought I was over at King’s house for Valentine’s Day with the other boys. When I had run home to grab my tablet to show Yates something and prove a point, I’d made it into the foyer before I heard some suspicious noises from the living room. I turned very quickly and got the heck back out of there. See? Not even that terrible! I loved seeing my parents so in love, but you better believe that if they asked me to leave the house, I would.

Walking back through the front door, I made sure to shut it softly before turning to see that my mom was right—the boys were still right where I’d left them. Dermot’s gaze found mine almost immediately from where he was shaking his head, seemingly frustrated with a tense conversation going on between Yates, King, and the twins. I didn’t pay them any mind, knowing they would figure it out. I went to go stand with Dermot instead, deciding this was as good a moment as any to get to know my new neighbor better.

“Hey, you.” I chimed.

Almost immediately, the man dropped his cigarette before using his heavy boot to stomp out the butt. It was an interesting gesture—sort of sweet, actually—but not necessary since I’d been around Stratton while he smoked. Although… you know, he usually put out his cigarette around me as well.


“Another dress,” he observed, offering a small lip tilt while looking over my outfit. Honestly, it was a good look on him.

I looked down at my outfit, suddenly feeling a pang of anxiety. “Yes… does it not look okay?”

Wonderful.I absolutely loved how obvious I could be. But it was an honest question. I wasn’t positive how to take that comment. Like ‘oh, another dress, that looks nice on you’ or ‘oh, another dress, maybe you should choose something more flattering next time.’

It could be neither. It could be just an observation. Or it could be something. Swallowing nervously, I looked back up at him, categorizing his surprised expression.

“You look like fucking candy, Dahlia.”

Oh. That was good, right?

Feeling a bit emboldened by his compliment, I stepped closer, tucking my hair behind my ear despite it already being held in place. It was a nervous gesture of mine. My nervousness didn’t last, though, because suddenly I was caught off guard by the setting sun hitting Dermot’s handsome face, streaks of color jumping into his gaze that I hadn’t noticed before.

Both King and Dermot had green eyes that appeared to be the same shade, but I knew King’s eyes and the starburst of mint that surrounded each pupil, darkening to a spring green on the edges. Dermot’s eyes, on the other hand, were a rich green that were streaked randomly with emerald. It was a bit hypnotizing, and that was a very, very bad thing.

“Well, thank you,” I managed to get out, my cheeks flaming. “I am going to take that as a compliment.”

I shouldn’t have, though. I really did not need to be attracted to any other men in my life. To be fair, Dermot Ross had a very appealing edge to him that I found myself itching to explore. It was almost instinctual, the urge to delve further into his personality and figure him out.

He came off as a bit gruff and quiet, but I had a feeling that he was a total teddy bear. I could almost guarantee that having his arms around me would feel even better… and I needed to stop. My eyes moved across his busted knuckles as my lips tilted up. Alright, so a teddy bear that could beat the mess out of people. Instead of scaring me, the concept had my pulse speeding up as desire seeped over my skin.

That was unhealthy. What was wrong with me?

“It was meant to be one.” Dermot’s eyes darkened as he ran his fingers through his messy hair, his large, muscular arm flexing slightly and drawing my attention. Was that his nervous habit as well? I blinked, realizing his lips were moving, but his general sexiness was distracting me.

His rough, accented voice brought me back to the present as I caught up to what he was saying. “I think I met your father just now.”

“Tall guy?” I asked, flashing a smile. “Yeah, that’s him. He always works late. He could easily be home by noon, which my mother would love, but he always says ‘if they stay, I stay.’”

“Seems like a good guy.” Dermot cleared his throat, a flash of nervousness crossing his expression that I didn’t fully understand. “So, do you have dinner at his house often?”

“Yates?” I tilted my head, trying to not smile at his seemingly nervous questioning. He had no reason to be anxious, but it was a bit flattering to know I affected him. “Sometimes. I mean, we are all super close, despite Yates being a complete ass most of the time.”

Dermot barked out a laugh at my words as Yates snapped his head around, he and the three other boys finally clocking in on the fact that I was outside with them.

“I resent that, bunny,” Yates retorted immediately, his silver eyes flicking over my dress before a smile filled his face. At what, I had absolutely no idea. Nor did I plan to ask.

“You can resent it all you want,” I pointed out in amusement, “doesn’t make it any less true, now does it?”

Yates looked skyward, mumbling something before stepping forward and ushering me towards his house. “Come on, let’s go. My mom’s excited you are coming over. Only god knows why…”

I narrowed my eyes, stepping out of his reach before retorting, “Because I’m amazing, that’s why. Not everyone has good taste, Yates, you being one of those unfortunate souls.”

King chuckled, heat coloring my face as I looked over at him. “Princess, why don’t you skip dinner and come hang out with us instead.”

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic