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The four of us are the infamous Avengers gang. We’ve been robbing banks all over LA for the last eighteen months and you would be surprised how easy it was to gain a reputation real fucking fast. On the outside, we’re respectable, well off college students at UCLA.We hide in plain sight. I’m the football team QB, Blaine and Royce are linebackers and River is one of the team’s starting running backs.

This all began when I was a new student at UCLA, where I transferred after I got out of the Army and decided to get my college degree as a full time student rather than continuing to study online. I used to be quite the football star in high school and I was immediately approached by the UCLA’s coach when I transferred. Royce is the team captain and while he and his brother Blaine are friendly enough, they mostly keep to themselves. I would call us friends but it’s more of a work relationship if anything. It was totally by chance that I got involved in their side business. At the time, I immediately noticed that they seemed quite wealthy, I mean Blaine wears a fucking Rolex, for crying out loud, but I never thought much of it until one fateful morning.

I was in line at one of the banks downtown to get a money order to pay my tuition fees when the branch got robbed. The robbers wore bandannas to cover their features but something caught my eye …Blaine’s Rolex. The watch itself is very unique and paired with Royce’s oddly bright green eyes, I was sure that the bank robbers were my teammates. I spent my entire military career paying attention to the small things so I put it together pretty quickly.

I confronted them that afternoon and the terror in their eyes confirmed my suspicions. That was their second job and they thought that I was gonna turn them in but I had different ideas and offered to help take their heists to the next level. I started scouting the targets for weak points and suggested that we wear masks. The press named us ‘The Avengers Robbers’ because I wear a Captain America mask, Royce is the Hulk and Blaine wears a Deadpool mask.

At the beginning, we’d take turns to go in or drive away but when River saw one of the duffel bags with the cash and the masks, one time after he passed out drunk in my room during a party, we recruited him to join us. Not that we had much of a choice at that point. Honestly I was against it because River’s batshit crazy and completely unpredictable but letting him join us was the only way to buy his silence. And while I’ve got no idea what the brothers’ motivation to rob banks is, since it’s obvious that they come from money, River is at college on a football scholarship and money is obviously reason enough to get him to drive our getaway car.

“Who made you the boss, huh Kaden? If I wanna go in with you guys—”

Royce interrupts him. “Rivs, I’m the boss. I started this whole thing, remember? And you’re our driver, you don’t go inside with us. You wait and drive us to safety. End of story. And Kaden’s right that the Lambo has to go. At least until graduation, dude. How can a scholarship student afford a supercar? That’s the type of shit that gets you caught.”

River doesn’t say anything, keeping his gaze on the bowl of chili that Blaine has just put in front of him. We eat quietly for a few moments before I inform the brothers that our next target should be an easy one.

“It’s the Beverly Hills branch of theSchiller Credit Union. They have the standard lax security: one guard at the front and one patrolling the inside of the bank. There’s an ideal location a few yards from the entrance for Rivs to wait at and they get cash delivered every day at noon. So if we hit at twelve thirty, we should be golden. The only thing that we should be aware of is that a girl I saw around campus works there as a cashier. She’s in my Advanced Business class. She shouldn’t be a problem though ... I’ve never really spoken to her and she keeps to herself a lot. Never seen her much at parties or games. We all wear masks so it shouldn’t really matter. I think the Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be the perfect day to hit. The bank will be flush with cash right before closing down for the weekend and that night there’ll be the parade and party on campus to celebrate our sure victory in tomorrow’s State Championship final. There’s no better place to hide than a campus full of adoring fans.” I’m proud of my perfect plan, so I’m pretty surprised when it doesn’t encounter immediate approval from Royce and Blaine.

The brothers look at one another in that irritating way they often do, as if they were mind reading each other, and then Royce drops the bomb. “I don’t know, dude. Blaine and I aren’t sure that we should do anymore jobs. We all have enough to never have to work again, so we were thinking about biding our time until graduation and then just disappear the fuck off from LA.”

“Hey, hold on a second!” I frown, “The agreement was ten jobs, one million bucks each per job. We’ve done nine. One last job, dude.”

Blaine chimes in, which is very unlike him, he’s more of an observer normally but his grey eyes have a steely determination in them when he expresses his point of view. “One million at this point doesn’t make a huge difference, doesn’t it? We’ve gotten away with this for over a year, dude. Royce and I think it’s time to call it quits.”

I object immediately, once again, that that wasn’t our deal. “Dude, we agreed on ten million each. I have some land I’m buying and I need ten mil. One last job was the plan.” I have no clue why the brothers even started robbing banks, everything about them screams money, but I have plans and for those to come to fruition, I need one last fucking job.Unexpected help comes from River.

“Stop being pricks, Kaden’s right. We said ten jobs and I’m bored as fuck, so we’re doing it. The deal was that I kept my mouth shut and we’d do ten jobs. That was the price of my silence.”

Blaine’s reaction is quite shocking: I don’t know what’s up his ass tonight but he looks more stressed than normal. He doesn’t look at me and River, he talks to his brother. “I told you we should’ve blown his brains out when he caught us. He’s a fucking liability because he’s crazy. Who the fuck robs banks because he’s bored?” Honestly, something like that coming from Blaine is really surprising and I have to wonder what he’s so worked up about.

Royce’s expression hardens, his green eyes as hard as two emeralds, his gaze fixed ahead of himself. “You know the rules. We take money from banks, we don’t take lives. The guns are there as an extreme, last line of defense.” Then he addresses River with his trademark smart ass smirk.“I know what we said. But you tell me, Rivs, what the fuck are you gonna do about it, if we wanna quit? Tell on us? That could’ve been a possibility before you joined us. Now you’re in as deep as we all are. So if we go down, we all go.”

And then River proves my point that he is batshit crazy, when he looks at me and says, “Whatever, dude! These two started as a duo, let’s do it without them. Just the two of us. So I get to wear my Iron Man mask.”

Royce looks pissed when he asks me his next question. “You aren’t possibly considering going with him, right? The deal was—”

Robbing a bank with just River is the last thing I’d ever do, I’d be much more likely to hack off my hand with a butter knife than to trust River with my life but I don’t tell Royce and Blaine. “I need one last job. And if you two aren’t in … after all, you’re just backing out of our deal.”

The brothers do that silent communication thing again and then Royce concedes. “Ok. One last job. But no deviations from the plan, no Iron Man masks and after we’re done, I’m taking River to deposit his ten mil. I’m not keeping all that cash in the house. Are you sure that this girl that goes to school here won’t be a problem?”

“Nah. She didn’t even act like she recognized me when I made a deposit. I went to her till on purpose to spy her reaction. She also only works on Fridays and Mondays, so on Wednesday she won’t even be there.”

We discuss a few more details about our final job, making sure that River gets it in his head that he has to follow our normal course of action: clockwork precision and consistency have been the key to our success so far.

But when I get back to my room, when I step into the shower and I close my eyes under the hot water stream, that girl’s green eyes and the smile on her luscious pink lips when she served me are the image that won’t leave me alone. I noticed her in class straight away. Sloane. Fuck even her name is attractive and she’s got this long, chocolate brown hair that reaches her perfect butt. Jade green eyes and a petite but curvy body that makes you remember her for days after you’ve seen her for the first time. I can’t help but imagine her lips wrapped around my cock and before I know it, I’m painfully hard. I mutter out a groan stroking myself as I consider talking to her in class after Thanksgiving.

Hell, maybe I’ll ask her out on a date, I think as I take care of the situation at hand.

Tags: M. Sinclair Rebel Hearts Heists Erotic