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“I still don’t like it,” I mumbled, my brow dipping and wondering if maybe he would be able to take a nap once we got to the Dreki realm.

“Fuck,” Marco growled, my gaze snapping to where he was looking down at his shinny watch. “We need to go to this shit.”

“We don’t have to.” I nuzzled into Henry’s chest before sighing and breaking away from him. I knew that we did have to. While I hadn’t been given a ton of information regarding the Dreki realm, I knew that it wasn’t just a big deal that we were going but that we needed the help of the other council members in order to open the portal. I was going to assume that was why they wanted to meet with us? Although, I truly had no idea why it was necessary.

Henry grumbled something about my distance, but I was more focused on saying goodbye to both Croy and Atlas. The latter put aside his laptop quickly and stood up, wrapping an arm around my waist while speaking into his phone.

“Give me a minute.” Atlas’s voice was smooth and even as he dropped his phone from his ear, the piece of technology falling onto the couch before he melded his lips to mine in a hot, searing kiss. When I tried to deepen it, excitement flaring in our bond, he pulled back and flashed me a sexy smile.

“Be safe, and don’t let those fuckers bully you,” he rumbled, his face turning serious. “Our security team will be there, if you need anything at all.”

“We will be with her,” Henry pointed out, sounding almost offended.

“I don’t doubt that you will be there, but whether you are focused is a different story,” Atlas shot back in a knowing tone. “See all the problems you are causing, angel? You are far too sexy, making it difficult to keep you safe.”

“I don’t feel bad,” I teased slightly, rocking forward onto my toes so I could be closer to his lips. “I like that you find me sexy.”

His eyes flashed dangerously. “Yeah? When you get back, I’ll show you just how sexy I find you.”

My toes curled. “How?”

But before I could get my answer, I was being lifted up, literally, by Henry and ushered towards the door as he grumbled under his breath. Clearly not nearly as amused as Atlas and Marco behind us, who were laughing about something. I wiggled against my mate and broke away from him for a moment, going back to Bella, who stood on the back of the couch, watching me with a tilt of her head. I bent down and pressed a kiss to her nose as she let out a soft meow. Croy gently tugged my waist so that I stood between his spread legs, my eyes moving over his large chest as I placed Bella down next to him. She offered him a speculative glance before curling up against his side. I smiled at both of them as Croy’s large fingers brushed across my waist, watching me with a serious, affection-filled look.

“Do you want me to come with?” he asked suddenly, his eyes searching my face. Did I want him to come with? Always. But I knew he would be bored.

“I always want you with me.” I kept with a light smile before running my hand over his messy hair. “But it will probably be boring. I would much rather know that all of you are well rested.”

“So sweet.” He inhaled and pressed a kiss to the center of my sternum where my dress dipped, the skin of my cleavage breaking out in shivers. The sweet moment immediately turned hotter as a low rumble broke from his chest.

“Croy…” I wanted to say more, but he seemed to filter a level of control over his actions as he leaned back, taking my hand and brushing a kiss over it.

“Later,” he promised with a sexy smile. “Get this ridiculous brunch over so you can get back here.”

“Absolutely.” I squeezed his hand and stepped back, walking towards the door where both Henry and Marco waited for me, talking about something that seemed to hold both their interest.

Henry held open the door for me as he and Marco walked side by side framing me, my eyes darting across the stunning hallway decor that decorated this small part of the hotel. The entire space was filled with marble, expensive wallpaper, and diamond-like light fixtures. There was even the soft scent of roses that seemed to circulate throughout as we passed a few double doors that I had to assume belonged to others here at the hotel.

“Do you ever wonder who else is staying in these?” I asked curiously. I had to imagine working at a hotel was absolutely fascinating. I mean, I probably wouldn’t be able to handle meeting that many people every single day, but I bet you came away with some fascinating stories.

“Well, no one right now,” Henry mused.

“No one?” I frowned. That can’t be good for business, right?

“We rented out the top floor when we reserved the penthouse,” Marco explained easily. “Didn’t want to risk anyone bothering us.”

“You just rented out the entire floor?” I arched a brow. “You can do that?”

“Humans will let you do just about anything for the right price.” Henry shook his head as I frowned, wondering why that felt like a bad thing despite it affecting us in a positive manner. Not that I particularly wanted to see others, because I was finding that the intense attention humans paid us could be overwhelming. I just didn’t fully understand what we were doing to attract it, and it had me feeling both uncomfortable and defensive about how close people tried to get to my mates.

As we stepped into the elevator and began to move, the surge of momentum down caused me to let out a pleased sound, feeling as though we were flying. Although around three floors down, that moment and both of my mates’ curious looks my way were interrupted by a much less pleasant reason.

The doors opened on the floor as two young women stepped into the elevator, their conversation halting and mouths opening while taking in my mates. See what I mean about attention? I mean, I clearly couldn’t blame them—my mates were gorgeous—but I still didn’t like it.

Didn’t they understand that they couldn’t just look at another woman’s mates?

That qualified as being rude, I was nearly positive.

On the other hand, I was finding humans didn’t really adhere to the same social ‘rules’ when it came to mating as shifters did. Not only did the concept of having multiple mates seem to upset them, but there seemed to be a lot more confusion and ‘game playing,’ as Jordan and several of my magazines had called it. It honestly was very overwhelming, and I was thankful that I had such amazing mates who never made me question my place in their life. I just hoped I provided them with the same level of surety.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal