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“We need to increase the amount of security around the property. I know you may have to pull a team or two off of their current assignment.” His voice was relaxed, deep and smooth, causing me to shiver as his words finally fell over my ears. Atlas’s grip on me was anything but relaxed, though, as my lips experimentally pressed against his jaw. My eyes widened slightly as he grew harder underneath me almost immediately, my hips rocking against his just slightly. A whimper left my lips as he stilled my hips in a firm movement, his fingers moving from my hip to brush up my back, then to the back of my neck and across my shoulder where he brushed a thumb over the mark he had left on me. I wouldn’t lie, frustration rolled over me at how he was holding me, not allowing me to push further against him but still turning my body into a heated molten wave of desire. I wanted to know just how much I could affect the man.

Before I could move my lips up his jaw to his own, one of the doors to the bedroom suite opened and my eyes flashed up. I immediately locked eyes with Marco, whose smile grew as he made his way across the large living room, his amusement clear. I wasn’t positive at what, but it clearly had something to do with Atlas. I didn’t move from the man underneath me, and if anything his grip tightened, my skin breaking out into shivers as I watched Marco’s fingers brush across the smooth, cold marble surface of the tables and counters he passed. I couldn’t help but consider what it would feel like to have both of their hands on me at the same time.

I didn’t have to imagine for long, because all too soon, Marco was standing in front of Atlas, looking down at me. His large hands tilted my chin back before brushing a kiss across my lips, not seeming to pay any mind to Atlas's ongoing conversation or the frustrated sound that emitted from his dragon’s chest. I couldn’t lie, the idea of teasing Atlas just a bit appealed to me, and while deepening the kiss with Marco, my fingers tightened on Atlas’s shirt, wanting him to be part of this moment.

I may not always have understood the context of things, but I knew how my mates made me feel, and I had no doubt the two of them together would be an experience. My cheeks flamed slightly thinking about the twins and the last time we were in California.

“You look edible, baby girl,” Marco determined, pulling back as I felt a near pout slip onto my lips at his distance. I was finding that the more my mates touched me, the more I wanted their touch. Craved it. I really wasn’t positive how I was supposed to focus on much else. It was like what had happened with Marco had slowly begun to unravel a part of me I hadn’t been fully aware of. Even my dream last night had been more…creativethan usual. A shiver of anticipation rolled over my skin as Marco sat next to us, his eyes holding a dangerous glint as he stretched an arm over the back of the couch and examined my body.

My nipples tightened under his gaze, and his hand twitched before he surged forward and tugged me from Atlas’s lap, making me smile. Atlas offered me a partly amused expression, seeming far less focused on his conversation than before as his frustration disappeared. Marco narrowed his gaze at his smile as I happily slid onto Marco’s lap, my hands finding their way into his dark wavy hair.

It was hard to not touch Marco when I was around him. The man was not only extremely handsome but seemed to hold an endless amount of confidence in his large, muscular frame. Even in a suit, I could feel all the hard parts of his frame pressed against mine, and there was an excitement knowing exactly what was under the suit, feeling as though I could see it whenever I wanted. My fingers brushed over his collar as his eyes flared with a darkness that I was becoming more accustomed to, despite not recognizing it at first.

I knew Marco wasn’t always the sweet man that I ran into at the gas station what felt like years ago, despite being only two weeks or so ago. I knew that there was a darkness and authority to him that translated to not only us in bed but how he interacted with others from the supernatural community. I couldn’t lie and tell you I didn’t find it attractive, because I did. It appealed to a part of me that almost felt animal-like in nature, like his dominance was something that we should find appealing in a mate. But I suppose it was possible that was in my head. Either way, the darkness paired with the fierce protectiveness that he exhibited for his family was not only something I loved, but something that had my entire center tightening with need for him, no matter where we were.

Leaning closer, I brushed my lips against his golden sculpted cheekbone as a low rumble broke from his throat. I wasn’t surprised when I pulled away, inhaling his freshly fallen snow and pine scent, that his mint-green eyes were so dark they were nearly black. His dragon was lurking right under the surface of his skin, and I wanted very much to experience him fully. The fluttering inside of my chest practically demanded it.

“We have to go soon,” he grit out, looking as though he wanted to do anything but. I didn’t disagree with him in the least. My fingers intertwined with his as they slid up my thighs, the movement causing a wet heat to grow between them as my breathing hitched. I wanted a repeat of the other night so badly, and I had absolutely no idea how to just ask for it. I was hopeful that he could tell. It wasn’t like I shied away from showing him how much I wanted him.

“Marco.” Atlas’s voice had an almost growled edge to it that had both of us looking over as the man underneath me chuckled softly. Atlas didn’t look upset, just worked up, and his pointed look at his computer had me wondering if maybe it was because we were somehow distracting him from work. In which case, my original plan had been surprisingly somewhat successful.

“What? I thought it wasn’t a big deal?” Marco mused as he tightened his hold on me, causing me to roll against him slightly.

What wasn’t a big deal? Clearly not whatever was going on between us, because I could tell you my entire bodyknewthis was a big deal. A flame lit up my skin, feeling as though I was being burned from the inside out as lust coursed through me. Something inside of me was shifting, and I had a feeling that eventually this lust would explode like a volcano. I wasn’t positive what would happen then.

I was so distracted by this growing and burning need that I couldn’t even scold Bella, who was now on the other couch, climbing it like a mountain explorer. What the heck was she doing?

But then it didn’t fully matter.

The man that was holding me captive brushed his lips against my collarbone and smiled at the shake of his head that Atlas offered. My fingers once again ran through Marco’s thick, dark hair and loving the way he seemed to lean into it. A sound came from his chest that had my own face heating. I wasn’t positive what to call the noise, but it soothed something inside of me, sounding like a purr that Bella would produce but a lot lower and causing the hair on my arms to stand straight up. My legs tightened against him as I considered how I could ask him to help fix the frustration growing inside of me. Maybe I just needed to be blunt about it—

“I can smell how turned on you are,” Marco snarled against my lips, causing a small, teasing smile to break onto my lips despite my embarrassment.Well, if he was going to make it that easy…

“I can feel how turned on you are,” I admitted breathlessly. His eyes flashed with amusement and heat, his hands running under my dress as they cupped my butt. A surprised noise left my throat at his rough hold, but instinctively I arched my back and pressed into his hard chest, wanting his touch everywhere.

“Always around you. Completely unavoidable.” His green gaze met mine, their intensity making me feel that same burst of heat from my core like a solar flare. One I was beginning to very much associate with Marco and all of my mates.

I nibbled my lip as I risked being a bit bold. “But now I know how to fix that.”

And he completely knew how to fix this sensation running through me. I didn’t even care how. I just wanted his lips, his touch, his cock… just him. I wanted all of him. A low growl broke from his throat as he captured my hands, which had slid against his chest, and moved them around my back so that I was truly pinned against him. I moved against him, unable to avoid the small sound that came from my throat at the way he seemed to be getting larger and harder. Not that it seemed even possible, because after having him inside of me, I knew exactly how massive he was.

“And how do you plan on fixing that, Maya?” he whispered, his eyes flaring with a dark, possessive flash that had my entire skin breaking out in a flush. “Are you going to let me bury myself between your legs again until—”

“Fucking christ.”

My eyes shot up as I found Henry standing by the door of an attached office, followed by Croy, who offered me an amused smile. For whatever reason, Henry didn’t look nearly as relaxed… somehow, I think I was to blame.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal