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Then there was my wolf, right at the center of it with me. I had chosen Croy. I hadn’t realized it, but he was mine, just like I was his. I didn’t know how else to explain it besides feeling as though everything had collided at once inside of me, creating this stunning flame that I prayed never went out.

Turning away from my window, I walked towards the large closet and looked at my uniform. Last night I had thought of a very creative way to make it unique and I was excited to see what my boys thought.


AROUND FORTY-FIVE MINUTESlater, I felt very refreshed. It was still difficult to adhere to a schedule after years of having no real concept of time besides day and night while in the basement. I was getting better though. Everyone seemed to try to do things very fast around here, humans more so than shifters, I’d noticed. I didn’t exactly know what everyone was in such a rush for.

I wandered back downstairs once ready. The entire house was very modern and masculine with glass, wood, and metal, accented by fresh flowers and some comfortable furniture. I liked the contrast and I loved all the windows around me.

I had felt trapped. Caged. For so damn long. This was invigorating. As I walked towards the kitchen, I found Ledger and Anani. Both twins looked very awake compared to an hour ago.

Anani was usually the opposite of happy in the morning. He offered me a smile though, as he wrapped me up in his electric scent, making me sigh happily.

“Peanut,” he tapped my nose, “you look adorable today.”

“Thanks,” I blushed, feeling pleased with his reaction to my outfit.

“Firefly, here is your lunch,” Ledger slid a lunch bag across the counter and I offered him a small smile.

It was sometimes overwhelming to be around the two of them. I found myself wanting to be back in Los Angeles when they showed me just how much they wanted me in my bedroom there. I tried to not shiver at the phantom feeling of their hands and lips on me. I felt like I always wanted them. As I stated, I really had a hard time believing that was healthy.

“I’m sort of excited about school today,” I announced, grabbing my backpack from where it sat on the bench between the living room and kitchen. I placed it on the island chair as I began sorting through it and placed my lunch box inside, not even checking its contents because Ledger always made fantastic food without question.

It was one of the reasons I loved baking with him. Not just baking though, he also knew a lot about cooking. The man could make anything from egg salad to steak and potatoes.

“Why is that?” Ledger arched a brow, his warm indigo eyes watching me from the large stone island.

“You’ll see,” I smiled. I hadn’t been excited before I looked through my supplies from work the night before. Before anything had happened with my father or the group that was holding a party showed up. I’d spent that entire time working on something that I fully planned on using at school. It was tucked in my backpack and was changing my outlook completely on the day.

Before either of them could ask what I meant, Henry walked downstairs and the small sound from his throat that came out, had me lighting up under his attention.

“Maya,” he mumbled, heat flaring in his eyes, “please go change, honey.”

“Why?” I frowned.

“Maya?” he practically begged.

Well then, I had expected him to like my outfit. I was confused now because the twins had the correct reaction to my unique flair on the uniform, so why was he getting all rumbly. I wonder if that was normal for men. Did they all growl and rumble a lot?

"I don’t understand why what I’m wearing is upsetting you." I tilted my head, looking Henry over and wondering if maybe he was losing his mind. “This is the same uniform I wore every day last week.”

I looked down at the accessories I’d paired with my uniform, just to make sure I hadn’t accidentally put something else on. My pale blue ballet flats matched perfectly with my translucent tights that were adorned with little daisy patterns. My freshly pressed skirt fit comfortably and was tailored at my waist, Marco having sent for a ton of school stuff over the weekend we were gone. My polo was tucked into my skirt and a cute light blue leather jacket that was lightweight and fit to my body laid over my shoulders. Honestly, I thought it was an adorable pair up and I was a bit sad he wasn’t seeing it.

Sure, I wasn’t dressing like models inVogue, but I thought it was an improvement.

“Could someone back me up on this?” Henry demanded, his jaw clenching.

Henry looked very handsome this morning, dressed in the standard school dark pants and polo, showcasing his perfect muscled arms. His perfect face was marred by a very frustrated expression and I wanted to help him, but I had no idea what he was upset about. The man was clearly terrible with communication.

“You are on your own,” Ledger pointed out with a grin, his eyes snapping right back to me, “I think she looks absolutelyedible.”

I blushed slightly as his indigo eyes heated, making me feel like I could see his dragon peaking through. Henry cursed, grabbing the keys and storming out of the house. I frowned as I twirled my pink piece of hair around my finger, wondering if I should follow after him to continue the conversation.

“What’s wrong?” I asked the twins sincerely.

“Jealousy,” Anani chuckled.

“He’s jealous?” I arched an eyebrow.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal