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Chapter 6


Igroaned into Maya’spillow, the scent of roses surrounding me despite the fact that her curvy little body wasn’t pressed against mine. Didn’t stop me from getting fucking hard as well. I shook my head and sat up, looking around and cursed realizing I was late. Like school started two hours ago late. Why the hell hadn’t anyone woken me up?

“Maya didn’t want to go to school today,” my twin explained, walking in with two coffee cups. I took one and nodded, feeling relieved because last night with Marco’s executive officers had stressed me the fuck out.

“Why?” I took a sip of coffee and rolled back my shoulders. My dragon offered me a lazy look as I narrowed my eyes at him. I swear to Christ, he was like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Sometimes he was insane and other times he acted like he didn’t know me.

“Maya is learning about the realms and dragons,” he chuckled, “she doesn’t believe you are a blood dragon, says you are too relaxed.”

I hummed as my dragon offered a dangerous expression, wanting to prove her wrong. Luckily, I had spent most of my childhood having to shut up and keep quiet so controlling him wasn’t a problem. Did I want to bite into her soft neck? Oh absolutely. It was fucking hard as hell to wait on that, but everything was about control. Relaxed, easy control.

The concept that threatened that? How amazing I knew her body would feel under mine or bent over as I bit her skin, fucking her senseless. How irrationally angry I felt at the concept of her being threatened by anyone. Both of those would do it. Even her fucking heartbeat, that I could hear from here was enough to push that control. Relaxed? Sure. Totally completely relaxed. Can’t you tell? I inhaled another sip of my coffee before standing and looking at my brother, his eyes searching her room as I shook my head.

“Just ask her,” I stated softly. My brother offered me a fake wide-eyed expression.

“Not sure what you’re talking about,” He offered as I rolled my eyes. Right. Because that’s reassuring.

“She’s going to realize you keep taking her shit eventually, just tell her. Maya is amazing, she will probably leave stuff out for you,” I offered as his eyes heated before he looked away.

The mythos surrounding dragons weren’t wrong. Just a bit different than the truth. We all breathed fire, enjoyed violence, and hoarded pretty shit but just like humans, everyone exhibited these qualities differently.

For me, the fact that Maya was in our house was the perfect collection to me. My brother? He had three of her hair ties and an earring she’d left on the counter on his desk. Something that I knew was bound to get worse.

I left the room, leaving him to his insanity as I moved down the hall to where I could hear Maya humming. Pushing on Marco’s office door slightly, poking my head in. He offered me a nod from where he was on the phone staring at the TV screen that was on, no doubt for the stock market updates that Henry was obsessing over.

Maya was refreshingly doing none of those things, her soft humming coming from where she was sitting on a large window seat looking relaxed. Her dark hair was bundled up in a loose wavy bun on top of her head and she was wearing this oversized sweater and leggings with bright yellow socks. She was, in a word, perfect.

“Firefly,” I chimed, her eyes opened and she offered me a big smile. I sat on the edge of the wooden, pillow covered, seat as I intertwined our hands together. “Where is Bella?”

The kitten was adorable and fit Maya perfectly. A small meow answered my question as the kitten walked into the room...followed by Atlas, his head shaking in amusement. Bella curled up under Marco’s desk and closed her eyes causing Maya to sigh happily.

“I’m so excited about work tomorrow,” she chimed happily, after a moment.

“You’re going?” Atlas asked, looking put out by the concept despite it being a day away.

“Of course I am!” She squeezed my hand. “Plus, Jordan is going to be there, she works Tuesday and Thursday—”

The desk phone rang. Marco frowned, putting his other call on hold and picking up the house line. He answered with just his last name and his eyes narrowed thoughtfully as someone spoke on the other line.

“Yeah, thanks for letting me know. It’s not their business why they aren’t there, but feel free to give them my information, they shouldn’t be trying to reach her at school,” he stated as I shook my head. Annoyed with these people that kept trying to invade our privacy. Marco had a lot of pull at the school and if I had to guess someone tried to contact her.

Henry muted the television as we waited for him to hang up. I watched as he put the phone down and sighed. Sitting up, he looked at Maya before seemingly thinking something over.

“There are human investigators, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, looking to talk to you, Maya, about your mother and Jed’s deaths,” Marco stated softly, my little mate tensed, her hand tightened around mine.

“Tell them to fuck off,” Sai offered, walking in with my twin. The latter had a silk ribbon in his hand that he slid into his pocket. Maya offered him a small smile that he didn’t catch and I realized she already knew. That shouldn’t have surprised me, the woman caught on very quickly.

“I thought the local office wasn’t going to be a problem?” Atlas frowned.

“Apparently, someone higher up was called,” Henry answered.

“I want to hear what Maya wants to do,” Marco stated softly as Atlas no doubt began to check the security on the property and what the administration had been okay with him installing at school. His hands moving across the keyboard of his phone extremely fast.

Croy joined our family meeting a moment later, looking distracted.

“Will it help to talk to them or make things more complicated?” Maya asked softly, her voice sweet and curious.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal