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I nibbled my lip, “That makes sense. I think.”

Sai lifted a hand to my cheek and rubbed a thumb over my jaw, “I know violence bothers you, Kitten. You won’t ever have to see anything like that.”

I blushed thinking about him all sweaty while fighting. I had no idea where the image came from. I swallowed trying to hide my reaction.

A low rumble broke from his chest. That sexy sound had me looking up at him, my head tilted slightly in thought.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing you do something you enjoy,” I explained softly.

Sai ran a hand over Bella’s soft fur and spoke softly, “I haven’t in quite some time. That was one of the reasons we left Los Angeles three years ago. Even though we traveled back and forth a lot before this past year. When the human law enforcement found out I was part of the local fight circles, they tried to blame Marco. Tried to separate us.”

Separate them? I frowned realizing that I could have run the risk of never meeting these amazing men if they hadn’t left Los Angeles.

“You mentioned a realm, the Dreki realm? Does that mean you weren’t born here?” I asked curiously, wishing I had a larger grasp on this universe.

Before he could respond, the twins' voices sounded as they both appeared in the door.

“We have food.” Anani flashed me a smile and I was up immediately.

I gently placed a sleeping Bella on her soft pillow and left the drawer open. We walked from the room, well Sai did, seemingly okay with the pause in our conversation but I stopped, looking at Croy.

He seemed tired and I hadn’t considered how much of a strain moving his entire life in a blink of an eye would have caused. Putting out a massive tanned hand, I curled mine within his offered one and he kissed it gently, his green eyes searching mine.

“I understand what you’re saying,” he drew lazily to whoever he was on the phone with, “but I already explained I am not interested in working for them. Even for a season.”

A voice started to talk and he sighed, “Listen. I need to go, I have an important dinner. I’ll talk to you later.” When he hung up I immediately smiled, his large frame standing fully above me as his hands wrapped around my waist.

“Croy?” I spoke softly as his eyes trailed across my face.

“Yeah, Sugar?”

“Thank you for coming back here with us,” I went up on my tiptoes to brush my lips across his as he wrapped his arms fully around me, bringing me up to his chest.

“I’d follow you anywhere,” he admitted softly, searching my face as I offered him a small thankful smile. “I did want to ask you something though.”

“What’s that?” I tilted the hand that I had running through his hair.

“Do you want to go on a date soon? Just the two of us? Maybe dinner and a movie?” he offered.

“A date?” I grinned fully at his honest and open expression, “Yeah, I would love that.”

Croy smiled, setting me down as a question popped into my head. “Who was that?” I asked curiously. “On the phone.”

He chuckled, “Someone who wants me for a season of a tech documentary that Discovery is working on. I’m not interested though. That sounds exhausting. Plus, then I would have to be away from you.”

I ran my hand over his chest, “And you want to be close to me.” I didn’t ask because I knew.

Instead of answering, Croy dipped his lips down to mine in a gentle cool kiss that had me sighing into it. His grip slid up to hold my jaw as he devoured my mouth gently but with depth, making me shiver as that molten pulse of heat echoed through me.

I felt my nails dig into his chest as I gripped his shirt tighter. My chest warmed as I whimpered against him, pulling back as he let out a low groan.

“You are fucking delectable,” he mumbled, rubbing my nose with his.

“Your chest is rumbling,” I whispered as he tilted my head back slightly as if he was going to kiss down my throat.

“My wolf is...eager to meet you,” he spoke softly, as his eyes traced my neck and quickening pulse.

I wasn’t scared of Croy. I knew none of my mates would ever hurt me. However, I did feel an exhilarating thrill of adrenaline at the way he was looking at me. The soft dangerous noise coming from him made my toes curl.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal