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Chapter 1


“Abirthday party?”I tilted my head curiously as I nibbled on the Peanut butter toast that Ledger had slid across the counter towards me about ten minutes ago. It was getting a bit cold but honestly, my stomach was hurting a bit this morning and considering my poor night of sleep, I just wasn’t very hungry. Something Marco was not only noticing, but unhappy about as his eyes continued to flash down towards the toast during our conversation.

But I was also distracted because I was on a mission. A highly important mission.

I was sitting on one knee as my other leg was snug against the island bar stool I’d perched myself on. My hand was sliding against the smooth marble surface, the texture still fascinating to me and very different from the stone in the basement, as I tried to reach Atlas’s coffee. He was currently looking through his sleek computer and I didn’t think he’d caught on to my efforts, which was good...because I fully planned on stealing it.

It was an understood fact that his coffee tasted better than mine. Now, I had yet to establish what the actual difference was, but it was there. I was pretty sure that as his mate, I was allowed to steal his coffee, right? I may have made that rule up...but I didn’t think he would tell me no. He sort of liked me.

And I totally liked him.

“Yes,” Marco answered his voice laced with amusement, obviously watching my attempted thievery.

My fingernails, pale pink with sparkles, neared the cup. Inches. I was within inches of it. I had to admit, my nails distracted me just a bit. I was finding I had quite the thing for glitter.

Did you know they had places that did your nails for you? I hadn’t until yesterday after school. The twins decided to take a detour on the way home since Henry had to stay at school for something.

Apparently, because he was so smart, he helped with some after school program that aided in preparing kids for college; another unique concept that the guys had explained to me. While it sounded like something that would benefit some people, I didn't think it was for me. I felt like there was a lot more I could be doing...such as painting, drawing, and mynew favorite—kissing. So as I said, lots to do. Lots of mates to kiss.

I’d been so caught up in talking to Anani about Henry’s program, that I’d barely noticed when we pulled into a large parking lot. Someone had taken our car as the three of us went into a modern white and green building. Over the door was a fancy script that I assumed was the name of the business. It looked French to me, but it could have been something completely different. The only experience I had with the language was to the extent of geography and maps that Pastor Malcolm had shown me.

The moment we had stepped inside of the salon, I had found myself a bit shocked at the luxurious furnishing and the overwhelming scents from the products that seemed to be everywhere. I’d been whisked away almost immediately, where a small pixie-like woman with bright blue hair had asked me what I wanted.

I was confused at first until they handed me a type of menu of different options. It was a bit easier at that point because I remembered in Vogue that they had shown a series of different pedicure and manicure trends that were popular right now. So now my toenails and fingernails were painted a light sparkly pink and near my temple, tucked behind my ear was a single strand of pink hair. They’d offered to cut my hair but instead, I opted for a tiny bit of color in it, just like Ledger. Of course, the twins loved it.

I was nearly positive the others liked it as well. Last evening, as I sat between Marco and Atlas watching some shows before dinner, the first continued to play with the band of color. Wrapping it around his finger before letting the curl go. I didn’t think he realized he was doing it, which was good because I had been bright pink myself, blushing a ridiculous amount at how good it felt to be wedged between the two of them.

Atlas turned to tell Ledger something and my hand closed around the mug. I turned quickly, bringing it to my chest and hiding from his sight by facing Marco. My mate's mint green eyes lit up, as a smile broke on his slightly sleepy, but completely handsome face.

I loved sleepy Marco. Sleepy Marco didn’t wear suits and was super touchy. No really, the man usually was touching me in some way, but when he was tired? I felt like he was attempting to absorb me into his body. Even right now we were very close and I had to resist the urge to touch him more and instead focused on my coffee. Taking a sip of the stolen liquid heaven, I considered his birthday party proposition.

“Marco, I’m not positive how birthday parties work, but I thought usually they are on your birthday...right? My birthday was last Friday, it’s Tuesday. We can’t hold one now. That would just be lying to people,” I noted, nodding as I took another sip. I was finding I loved coffee.

Sai was upset that I’d already gotten a ‘caffeine addiction’ and blamed the twins and Atlas, but he usually said that before his own I didn’t think I was the one with the issue.

“I don’t give a sh... crap. I don’t give a crap about timing, Maya. Do you want a birthday party?” he asked, his attempt to not swear had me smiling more.

I was finding he and Croy were terrible about swearing. Honestly, I sort of found it attractive. Was that weird? I just liked how it sounded because Marco had such a smooth voice and Croy’s accent made my toes curl. When they swore it was such a stark difference that immediately my ears perked up at it.

I think my opinion was one that wasn’t shared by most, but who knows.

I let out a soft hum as I considered what he was saying. Did I want a birthday party? What was the purpose exactly?

“Would there be a birthday cake?” I asked curiously.

“If you want one,” he purred, his dark hair still a bit damp from the shower he had taken only minutes after we woke up together.

I narrowed my eyes at it just a bit, thinking about how I had almost followed him into the shower before chickening out. Besides, I had been so ridiculously comfortable wrapped in a Marco and Croy cuddle-wich.

Have you ever woken up in a Marco and Croy cuddle-wich? If you haven’t I would highly suggest it. Well, not with them of course, they were my mates.

I was very confused when exactly Atlas had left the bed and Marco replaced him, that feels like something I would have noticed. Then again, I wasn’t going to complain. Ideally, I would like to cuddle all of them at once, if that was possible.

We needed a bigger bed for sure.

Marco radiated this intensity and energy that had me feeling undeniably safe and flustered at the same time. Like I knew that I would never get hurt with him around, but I also really wanted his hands on me. All the time. Even now, my sock-covered foot was rubbing against his leg just so that we were in contact to some extent. I inhaled his vanilla and fresh snow scent as he stepped closer and leaned down so that we were nearly nose to nose. I had the urge to grab his muscular shoulders but then I would have to let go of my coffee.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal