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“What the heck was that?” I raised my brows, “I didn’t expect to have to swallow anything.”

Henry looked at me for a heated second before barking out a laugh and laying back. “Oh Christ. Maya, I think I’m falling in love with you.”Wait, I’d been completely serious about that.

I blushed crawling up his body so that I can rest my cheek on his chest. I decided I’d ask more about him cuming later. “What does love feel like?” That was an honest question because I’d never experienced it, so how could I recognize it?

Henry, his chuckling slowing, runs a hand through my hair. “I imagine it feels like this, little mate.”

His lips met mine before he tugged up his pants and I fixed my bra and skirt for some semblance of looking normal,good thing too.The door opened as I blushed and Henry just tucked me closer to him, both of us still laying out against the couch on the rug covered floor.

“Henry? Maya?” Marco called out coming into the house as I turned bright red.

“In here,” Henry goaded.

Then Marco turned the corner, freezing while looking at both of us. It was a silent moment as I grinned, just slightly. Then Marco barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Henry, I was gone for one fucking hour.”

“A full hour?” I raised my brows looking at Henry.

He offered me a cocky smirk, “time flies when you’re having fun.”

“What happened with the police officer?” I asked suddenly as Henry growled. I guess that’s what had gotten him all worked up. Interesting…

Marco started talking and my eyes began to flutter closed because it sounded like he had handled everything. I curled into Henry and before I knew it, I was falling asleep. My legs pressed together as his mark pulsated, Henry tugging on my ear.

Sleepiness overtook me, surrounded by my two mates.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal