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Chapter 24


“You just flew to freakin’ LA for the weekend?” Jordan plopped down next to me at lunch. Henry made a frustrated noise but I smiled at my red haired friend.

“We did,” I nodded, “I didn’t get any pictures.”

“Oh honey,” she grinned, “you didn’t need to.”

I raised my brows as she slid towards me an app called ‘Snapchat’ and the newsfeed seemed to feature little stories. My brows went up at the headline ‘Moretti’s Shared Mistress.’ I snorted and Jordan nodded, amused.

“Well, I sort of like those photos,” I pointed out even though they were clearly made to make me look bad.

“I do as well,” she noted and then crossed her arms on the table top looking at me. “So what are you doing after school today?”

“I’m working,” I grin, really excited.

She snorts and looks at the three men at the table, all offering grunts I didn’t understand. “Where at?”

“Clara’s Crafts.”

“No shit?” She grins. “That’s my grandma’s shop.”

“Really?” I smiled, “I love that.”

“I work Tuesday through Thursday, so we will have joint shifts,” she adds.

I went to respond when a shadow shifted over us. I squeaked as Henry’s arm wrapped around me tight and a growl came from his mouth. Even Jordan stilled as I looked up at… Seth, was it?

“Maya,” Seth grinned, “Jordan.”

“Seth,” Jordan warned, “you know this is a terrible idea.”

He grinned and shrugged, “can’t live without asking.”

“Asking what?” I frowned. Malloy was sitting quietly and watching Seth with a frustrated expression I didn’t fully understand.

Seth tilted his head and spoke, “would you like to go on a date, Maya?”


Ledger stood up and snarled, “get the fuck out of here, Seth.”

“Not until I get her answer.”

I frowned. Date? I didn’t really know what a date was fully. Wasn’t it when a couple went out together? But I had never gone on a date with my mates. Malloy seemed affected by his words because my friend, yes actual friend, got up without a word. Seth’s cheerfulness seemed to fade as he watched him walk away. What was I not understanding here?

“What’s a date?” I voiced as Anani muttered a curse and Seth barked out a laugh.

Henry was there then, in his face, gripping his shirt. “I’d highly suggest you get the fuck out of here.”

Seth tossed me a wink and threw up his hands. “If you ever want to be treated right, let me know Maya. Bye, Jordan.”

My friend sighed and Henry sat back down next to me. Jordan stood and squeezed my shoulder looking over the three of them. “I would highly suggest you show her what a date is, boys. You’re making it far too easy for someone else to sweep in.”

“We’ve been busy,” Ledger muttered.

Jordan was gone, following after Malloy and Seth, and I quirked a brow, “what is a date? It’s for couples, right? But we have never gone on any.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal