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Larry’s eyes widened, “she’s mated to a wolf as well? You can’t do that, if she truly is a phoenix…”

“Leave,” Henry bit out, “get out of here, now.” Croy was producing an actual growl and my center warmed at his defense over us.

“This isn’t over,” Larry snarled. “Lucas may be proud of your antics, but Edmund agrees with me. You still have to answer the council, Marco, despite being on it.”

Then he was gone. Wow, Marco did hold a lot of power.

“I don’t think they like me,” I noted amused.

“Good,” Marco grumbled, “fucking assholes.”

“You swear a lot,” I grinned as the man’s ears turned pink and he narrowed his eyes at me.

Before he could respond, my head snapped up as the music began. I was up and out of my seat, with Croy following.

Now, I had never been to a performance, but I knew what looked cool. They looked cool. Ledger was standing back, holding a guitar along with three other people on stage I didn’t know. Anani stood right at the microphone and winked at me.

He said a tiny introduction that had the crowd cheering, I pushed towards the center of the stage. There were a lot of people here. I hadn’t realized. Croy lifted me up and sat me on his right shoulder so that I could keep my legs crossed and his hands kept me securely fixed.

Then the twins made my night.

“This entire show is for our beautiful little mate, Maya,” Anani’s voice was smooth and I smiled as people turned back to see me. I grinned as their music started up and the minute Anani started singing and Ledger started playing, I knew I was in for something special.


When I woke up the next morning, I was in bed with Marco and Henry. I knew I’d started out with the twins, but I’d woken up in the middle of the night and crawled into bed with them. Now Marco had his chest against my back and head buried in my neck where Henry had his arms looped around my waist and his head resting on my chest. I hummed softly and stretched feeling both of them shift awake. I shivered as both of them hardened against me.

“Morning,” Marco drawled his teeth biting down softly and causing me to shiver.

Henry looked up at me from where his lips rested on my neck, “you smell so damn sweet, Maya.”

I was about to say something, but the door swung open and a very sleepy Croy spoke. “You need to get down here, now. Security is barely holding back the media at the gates.”

“The fuck?” Henry muttered and stood up. I crawled to the end of the bed as Croy lifted me up and we all went to stand by the windows.

Oh wow.

“Why?” I whispered.

“You,” Marco muttered.

“Me?” I whispered. “They weren’t this bad when we first got here.”

“Apparently, it got out that the police are looking for you back in Washington,” Croy mumbled.

“What?” Henry snapped out.

Croy walked over the large television as I was put down. My feet were a bit chilled on the cool surface, but I watched as the surface lit up with a network called CNN.

My picture, between ones of Atlas and Marco, popped up.

“Police have not disclosed yet if this is a case of attempting to flee or if the socialites didn’t consider that they would be associated with the death of Jed Mara and Tina Lucas.”

“It is important to note that the woman, Maya, is a high school student at…”

I stopped listening. Henry shook his head, “we disposed of the bodies and everything.”

“What bodies?” Croy bit out.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal