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Chapter 20


The man was an absolute teddy bear.

He was huge, like Atlas big, and had his really pretty tan skin and honey blonde hair that laid sort of messy over a pair of dark green eyes. I could hear his wolf right under the surface and while I was on Marco’s lap, my magic was running loops around Henry and Croy.

I liked the name Croy.

“Maya,” Croy drawled, his accent reminding me of a similar one from where I’d grown up.

“Yes?” I asked, looking up from the newspaper.

“I don’t even know where to start,” he muttered his accent thicker while looking at Henry. Henry who was staring at me with an odd mixture of heat and concern. How did I know it was heat? He kept giving me that look whenever he wanted to kiss me. Don’t ask me how I knew he wanted to kiss me. I could just tell he did. My eyes went back down to the story headline about some political candidate for the upcoming election.

Hm. I sort of wanted to vote.

I also wanted more kisses and more of whatever the heck Marco did to me. Where Sai’s kisses tasted like cinnamon and had my heart beating superfast, Marco’s touch did something else to me. It was a weird mixture of feeling safe but also wanting his hands on every part of my body. Very, very confusing.

“Marco, can you let go of her for like 2 minutes?” Croy bit out, “my wolf is having a fucking panic attack.”

I frowned as Marco shook his head and muttered a curse, setting me down next to him. But then I was on another lap as Croy moved fast enough that I was across the room and in his arms in a blink. Why did everyone move so fast around here? Maybe I really was a phoenix. I was more of a glide type of girl myself.

Henry spoke, “Croy, please be careful, Maya has been through a lot. She was who we were talking about earlier.”

My eyes fluttered up as the southern man made a strangled noise, “how do you know she’s a phoenix? Has she shifted?”

“I died and came back to life,” I murmured as a snarl broke through his throat. It should have made me jump, but instead I just continued to lean into him, completely relaxed.

Marco’s growl was louder though as I shivered, curling my toes. “Croy, cut the shit. You have no idea what’s been going on.”

“She fucking died,” he snapped out. “Clearly, there is an issue.”

I began humming a soft sound thinking about how I sort of wanted pancakes right now. My humming stopped despite the room going quiet, I looked up at Henry and then Marco, “can we make pancakes? I have never had them, but they look really good.”

I really didn’t like fighting.

“Don’t Croy,” Henry spoke harshly, “we will explain later. Maya, I will go make you-”

“I’ve got it,” Ledger started walking over, ignoring Croy, and placing a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth. He narrowed his eyes at the rumbling wolf before going towards the kitchen. I sighed.

“Marco? Henry? Do you mind giving me and wolfie here a moment?”

“Wolfie?” Croy asked quietly, almost upset. I just ran a hand through his hair and he muttered a curse, letting out a soft rumble leaning into it. Marco and Henry both offered me a kiss and the same glance towards my wolf before leaving. You have to understand, unlike the six flames inside of me, my magic had simply decided his wolf belonged with us. Right in the center. So here he was.

My wolf. All mine.

“Maya?” Croy asked quietly as I turned toward him and smiled.He really was very handsome.

“Thanks,” he muttered.

“Did I say that out loud?” I grinned, blushing.

He chuckled and shook his head, “yeah you did.”

I nodded, “so wolfie,Croy, sorry. You seem upset, did I do something to upset you?”

His eyes flickered between my gaze and then down to my lips. I squeaked as he leaned forward and pressed his sculpted lips to mine, making a soft noise come from my throat. Mint exploded on my tongue and his hand came around the back of my head to hold me in place, shivers trailing over me skin. When he pulled back, I was bright pink and I shifted, feeling him very hard underneath me.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal