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Henry, at some point, joined us at the table as they started talking about the event tomorrow night but Marco didn’t let me move a finger. I was sipping on lemonade, leaning into him when a phone pinged on the table, causing all of us to startle. Anani muttered a curse and opened it.

“It is exactly as bad as we assumed,” he stated and put it down.

My smile grew as I leaned forward and saw that Marco and Atlas were on either side of me smiling about something. I didn’t even care about the headline that said something about ‘sharing’.

“Can you print that picture out?” I chirped.

Ledger chuckled as Anani pressed a kiss to my forehead. It was cute,sorry not sorry.

“We need more pictures,” Henry notes thoughtfully, “the media will be asking and I would rather they be on our terms.”

“We need to talk about how we want to handle this,” Marco spoke carefully and then aimed it at me, “would you feel more comfortable telling the humans you were with one of us…”

“No,” I scowled, “I am not going to lie. The truth is I am mates with all of you and I would rather just tell them that then get in trouble for lying.”

The entire table seemed to freeze and I wasn’t positive what I’d said but Sai broke into a huge grin. “You know, kitten, if you weren’t already my mate, I’d probably be down on one knee right now.”

“Does your knee hurt?” I raised a brow.

For some reason that made everyone laugh. I wasn’t positive what I’d done that was so funny.


“It’s just wine,” Anani grinned, “she’s fine.”

“It’s not about that,” Henry stated.

I grinned sitting around the bonfire as Anani handed me a clear glass of sparkly wine. Well, they called it champagne, but it seemed to be the same thing. I sipped it gently and taste exploded on my tongue as I hummed. My toes were warm and cozy in the sand.

It was just the three of us down here right now and the soft sound of the ocean lapping was relaxing. A shawl was wrapped around my shoulders and Henry continued to sooth my hair with his large warm hands.

Something occurred to me as I watched the fire.

“If I am a shifter,” I note softly, taking another sip, “why haven’t I shifted?”

Henry hummed with interest, “well, with some species it happens automatically. From what I’ve learned about phoenix lore so far, it seems that you have to instigate the process and draw your creature out.”

“How the heck am I supposed to do that?” I muttered as Anani laughed.

He spoke then, “try closing your eyes and reaching for… well, I’m not sure what it would be for you.”

“Remember the flame you told me about?” Henry asked softly. “Try that.”

I closed my eyes and inhaled. Right at my center, six flames burned around a black lick of fire. I tried to pull on it, but it seemed to almost watch me with a lazy indifference. I frowned and tried to pull harder, but all it did was seem to make her sink lower into the center of them.

Alright then.

My eyes fluttered open. “She doesn’t want to work with me.”

“She?” Henry grinned.

“Yes she,” I mumbled, “I blame your magic though because she’s surrounded by your six flames and refusing to move.”

Anani barked out a laugh, “how is that our fault?”

I finished my glass and held out my glass for more, “the bubbly queen requests more.”

Henry warned, “Anani.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal