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The midmorning light filtered through the sitting room as I leaned back trying to detox from whatever the fuck that had been this morning. She had barely been out of my sight for a fucking hour or two and she’d died.

Actually died.

I had immediately called the contractors to come install a better security system after we had a shifter doctor come by to make sure she was okay. Despite it being Friday and her birthday, I felt like I needed a fucking nap. I had to thank small blessings though because she’d been tired, but seemed far better than I’d expected. I also hated to admit how I loved that she clung to me a bit more than even before.

Atlas had been afraid to touch her afterwards because he’d essentially killed Jed with his bare hands. Normally, he would have had qualms with killing women, especially human, but her mother was very dead now. Sai had been all too pleased to help remove all evidence with the twins. The twins who seemed to have woven themselves around her once again upstairs, leaving just Henry and me in the living room. Drinking coffee and attempting to function.

And yes, I’d called the school to notify them of their absence today.

“So she’s a phoenix,” I noted.

Henry’s eyes flashed over to her easel displaying a fire bird of sorts spiraling upwards. “Yes, I think that is fairly obvious now. Although, trying to get her to shift and convincing her is going to be a different story.”

“I’m just glad we got her out of there and that they’re dead,” I murmured.

Henry’s eyes flashed dangerously, “they deserved far more pain than that.”

This was one of the reasons Henry was my chosen beta. He was smart, sure, but he also knew when to act like a leader and when it wasn’t necessary. He also had a vicious mean streak he kept hidden, unlike Anani and Atlas. The two of them had no issue showcasing it. I tried to keep more level headed, but right now I could easily imagine killing a few dozen people. Or just Jed and her mother. Again and again.

“We need to try to give her time to rest this weekend,” he commented.

I nodded, “we could head down to Los Angeles.”

His lip twitched, “wanting to take her around the dragon council now that she has your mark?”

I shrugged nonchalantly, “I think my fellow council men and women would do well to meet her.”

But yes. That was exactly what it was fucking about. I wanted to show her off to everyone.Take her to every single red carpet event for humans and anything within the shifter community. Just so everyone knew whose mate she was. I didn’t want or need any fucking confusion.

Henry hummed and nodded, “I’ll arrange for the jet, when do you want to leave?”

“This afternoon,” I stated, “once she wakes up, and if she doesn’t, she can wake up there and I’ll let her sleep through the plane ride.”

He offered a two finger salute and headed upstairs. I leaned back into the leather and looked at my blood soaked shirt. I needed a fucking shower. Standing up, I unbuttoned my shirt and walked into my bedroom. It was neat and organized, severely lacking a beautiful little phoenix, but I didn’t want to wake her up.

The shower was much needed and I was nearly in there for an hour, my head pressed against the tile wall. Stuck between being terrified of what had happened earlier, thankful she was alive, and turned on from the memory of her cumming on my fingers last night. Fucking shit. I knew she didn’t know a lot about sex besides the basics, but the woman had a natural sexuality and beauty to her that was just essential to who she was. I muttered a curse as I started to get hard, but I had to shut that shit down. I was far too exhausted right now as it was.

I dried off my hair and pulled on a pair of shorts before walking back into my room.

My lips pressed together into a smile because my room looked exactly the same, except for the little ball of soft skin and dark hair curled up in the center of it. She really did remind me a bit of a kitten. Maybe, I’d get her a kitten as a late birthday present. Did she like kittens even? I’d have to ask. Her face was peaceful and it was hard to coordinate in my head the reality of this morning with now. I shook my head and slid into bed behind her, wrapped my arms tightly around her form. With an inhale and exhale, she relaxed into me completely.

The last thought I’d had before falling asleep was how perfect she felt in my arms.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal