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“Well I have,” Marco stated, “she has the same privileges as any of my brothers, understood?”

“Yes, sir,” she muttered. I walked over to Marco and he tilted his head looking alarmed.

“Why are you bleeding?” He asked turning me and lifting my hair up as I hissed. The other men entered into the office and Henry was explaining before Marco could bark out orders.

I, in the meantime, could only appreciate how modern and beautiful the office was. I really needed to know more about what my friend did. A voice inside of me argued with the label.Mate.I still had no idea what that meant, but a small part of me had hoped that it meant this was something bigger than just our friendship. The other part of me knew I wasn’t worthy of that.

“Get Johnson on the phone,” Marco bit out, “I want her institutionalized or something, we need to slap a restraining order on this immediately.”

Cecile, I had to admit, moved fast, and that alone was impressive. I watched as she opened up a phone line and Anani took it from her, his words fluent and in a different language. I was a bit jealous to be honest. I wanted to speak more languages.

“It’s healing,” Marco noted more quietly.

“It’s because it broke skin,” I noted, just as quiet.

He searched my expression as a dark light filtered through his gaze. I knew my time for secrets was over. That was okay. One could only bear that weight for so long. I listened as he arranged to leave the office and I mentally prepared myself to lose the only people I’d ever cared about like this. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter as we walked out of the office, Cecile quickly looked down when I caught her staring at me. The other boys went towards the car we’d arrived in, but Marco led me towards his BMW.

Once he had made sure I was buckled in, the handsome man rounded the car that had already been started and was fairly warm.

Marco spoke quietly looking at me, “she’s wrong, you know that right?”

“Wrong?” I frowned.

He grasped my hands and kissed the tops of them softly, “you are the furthest thing from trash, Maya. You are fucking perfect. Don’t let her words affect you for even a moment.”

I hadn’t even been thinking of her comments.Why?Because I knew that he wouldn’t think I was perfect for long. My secrets had reached their expiration date. I sighed taking just a moment to appreciate how good he smelled. How peaceful the car was, because I just knew.

I knew the moment that I started talking and told them everything, things would be different. So when Marco grabbed my hand, I squeezed it.

What else was there to do?

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal