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Chapter 12


I had a feeling that going home that night, things would be different tomorrow. My life was never good for long. I had a group of loving friends and they had created an entire space that was so beautiful, it actually made me sad. Sad because I wasn’t positive how to pay them back for it. Pay them back for the real gift they’d given to me. Their friendship.

Marco drove me home that night and after some cops drove past, taking note of the property, he was given word that neither of them were home. I shivered in my crappy jacket from before, after I’d insisted that I couldn’t bring any of my nice things home. My mother would destroy them. I paused at the trailer door and looked down the steps at the handsome man.

“Marco,” I whispered, looking over his stunning face and expensive suit, “I don’t want you coming in.”

Instead of being offended, he stepped closer to me, lifting me up with an arm around the waist, and opening the door. I cringed at the low rumble that left his throat. God, it was so much worse looking at it from his point of view.

He looked around and sniffed, his eyes searching the kitchen. I closed the door and leaned against it, not sure how this would pan out. I was realizing my dragon friend was a bit intense.

“Why does it smell like your blood in here?” He bit out looking back at me.

“I’m sure I’ve cut myself while cooking,” I murmured.

His jaw clenched as he exhaled muttering a curse and running a hand through his hair. “Maya.”

“Want to see my room?” I asked as he nodded and I led him towards it. I opened it up and he ducked under the doorway, his chest letting out a more dangerous sound than before. Alright, clearly I was not going to make this man happy.

“You’ve been living like this all week?” He snarled.

I blushed and cringed slightly, “it's not that bad.”

Marco was pissed though, “not bad, Maya? I don’t even want to consider what you deem as bad then.”

I flinched back slightly and a small growl came from my throat, “you’re being mean, Marco.”

The man’s eyes widened slightly as he then looked away muttering in a different language under his breath. I watched carefully as he closed the bedroom door, slipping the chair under the knob and kicking off his shoes.

“What are you doing?” I asked quietly.

He raised a brow before answering, “Atlas has a job tonight and I don’t want you sleeping alone.”

“You don’t have to,” I whispered, not wanting to be a burden.

“I know,” he stated softly beckoning me down to the bed, “but I want to.”

I curled on my side, facing him as his eyes darkened on my expression and he wrapped his arms and hooked a leg over mine. A peace took over me. I fell asleep so easily and that should have been the first sign something was wrong.

When I woke, I wasn’t positive I was awake at first. But why would Jed be in my dreams? I froze as the man offered me a snear and took the safety off the gun he pointed at Marco’s sleeping form. I had no idea how he hadn’t woken up yet, but then I realized the door had never been opened. How the heck did he fit in through the window?

“Shhh,” Jed spoke quietly, “I want to make something very clear, little bitch.”

Why did this not feel right?

Everything was hazy and lethargic, like I was moving through space and time at a slower rate. I wanted to shake Marco awake but it was like he was knocked out. My pulse picked up and I began to tremble authentically.

“Jed,” I whispered.

He moved the gun closer to his head and leaned forward. “If I find them here again, in any capacity, I’ll kill them.”

Something fierce inside of me threatened to break out, but when his hand closed around my throat, I started to choke. That was when things got even more odd. Because I could feel someone shaking me and whispering me name, but I was also losing consciousness.

He was going to kill Marco.

“Marco,” I sobbed as Jed let go of my throat and the air around me turned crisp, everything snapping into reality. A soothing voice was talking to me, but I was afraid to open my eyes. Afraid to see that Marco was dead.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal