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“Is it true you burned off Becky’s hair?”

Anani chuckled, “now how in the hell would she have done that?”

Becky got angry and snapped, “she did! After I slapped her, I stepped back…”

“You slapped her?” The principal stated as Becky flushed. “Yes, but that isn’t…”

“Mr. Lark,” a voice rang out, “Becky is lying, clear as day. If anyone should be concerned about their safety, it’s Maya.”

Henry let out a low sound as Seth approached, his eyes amused and his scent distinctly dog. Maya offered him a small smile and that made me irrationally mad. I pressed my lips to her shoulder as I resisted the urge to bite right down into her soft skin. I wouldn’t do that though, not until she realized we were mates. Then you better believe I’d be marking her cute little ass.

The principal looked between all of us before pinning us with a look. “Could you meet me in my office, Ms. Ash? Now. Maya feel free to call someone to pick you up if you feel uncomfortable being here right now, just make sure to inform the school.”

Becky tossed Maya a narrowed eye glance as the woman in my arms shook with tension and let out a low dangerous soft sound. I felt everything harden at it and she flicked her eyes up at me as I offered her an apologetic cocky smile.

I mean, did she actually expect my cock to not get hard with her firm little ass pressed against it in a school skirt?

Fucking shit. The way she’d casually thrown out those words the other night was something fucking magical. Seeing that soft plush mouth form the word ‘cock’ and talk about ‘fucking’ had me wanting to bend her over and teach her all about that shit.

“Marco is on his way,” Henry offered as I tugged her towards the parking lot.

I could hear Henry and Anani talking quietly behind me, so I decided to distract her. “So how was last night when you got home?”

She nibbled her lip before answering, “it was good, Atlas stopped by.”

“Did they say anything?” I asked directly. She could not admit it all she wanted, but I was very fucking aware of how those bruises appeared there. When you were abused as a child, you could easily recognize it in others. It was one of the reasons I was hesitant to ever raise my voice around Maya because even if it was in excitement, I could see her flinch. I wanted to get her into our house so she could become use to it and relax as soon as possible.

I knew it had been barely three days since I’d met her, but something in me had fundamentally changed. I’d follow this woman anywhere. I looked down at her as those gold, thick lashed eyes met mine and dark chocolate and gold hair shifted gently around her angled face. God. She was so fucking beautiful.

I barely looked away as Marco’s BMW pulled up.

“Angel,” Atlas called out as she looked at him and offered a smile. I loved that about Maya. She never held back. Never played games. Her emotions were right there and I could tell that when she didn’t want to say something, she tried to find a way around lying. She had to be one of the most authentic women I’d ever met.

Her plush lips moved as she said goodbye to my brother and Henry, before moving closer to me. My arms wrapped around her as I buried my nose in her hair, absorbing her scent. I could smell the ash more prominent on her skin than ever. I think I knew Henry’s theory on what she was and after what I’d seen today, I couldn’t even disagree with him.

She was more unique than she’d ever realize and not just because of what she shifted into.

I watched as she got into the car and I slid my hands in my pants pocket, the other two and myself wishing that we were leaving with them. Unfortunately, if we were going to play human, then human rules applied to us. Those golden eyes looked back at us one more time before they left the parking lot and I shook my head.

Nothing was ever going to be the same now that I’d met Maya, and I was perfectly okay with that.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal