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Chapter 6


I looked up at the shadow covering our table and my eyes widened. She was so freaking pretty.Holy crap.When she looked at me next to Henry, her face turned violent and I found my heart racing. That menace and deranged violence reminded me of my mom.

“Henry sweetheart.” She leaned forward as her blouse opened and my eyes flashed to her… holy crap those can’t be real. Who is this lady? She had the body of a thirty-year-old and her face was very smooth. Like a doll. Her hair was a weird white color that was dark at the roots. I had to admit, I was confused about her, but she was beautiful in a very unique way. Why didn’t my body look like that? Was it wrong I was a bit jealous?

“Is this your new foster sister?” She asked curiously in a harsh voice, “she looks so little. What are you kid, like fourteen?”

Before I could stop myself, a snarl built in my throat at the way she was treating me. Ledger covered it with a cough but I turned my body so I was shielding my boys from her. Even Malloy was temporarily included. He was a goofy guy but I was starting to think we could be friends… just not the same type of friend I was with the other boys. I was getting really frustrated with not having a word to describe how I was feeling.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” I stated keeping my eyes and expression neutral.

Her face darkened, “that’s because I didn’t give it to you.”

“Well,” I frowned, “that is a bit rude, isn’t it? I get it though, maybe manners aren’t your thing or you didn’t learn proper introductions? Whatever the case, I’m Maya.”

I put out my hand and the woman’s face turned red.

Still, no introduction, but Henry was silently shaking next to me.

“Henry,” she growled, “sweetheart, are we going out tonight? My parents aren’t home so if you want to come over… the twins can join also, my friends don’t have plans.”

My lips pressed as a growl bubbled up. She couldn’t be their friends. They were mine.

Henry sighed and pressed a kiss to my forehead, “I’m not free tonight, Becky.”

So her name was Becky?

“With work?” She narrowed her eyes at me. I wondered what he would say.

“No.” He massaged my scalp gently. “The lot of us are busy every night for the foreseeable future.”

My skin shivered as I leaned back into him. Becky offered me a glare, before something flashed in her eyes, and walked away. Wow, her skirt way shorter than mine. It was sort of impressive. I sighed and looked back at Henry his eyes warm on my face as Malloy looked over the four of us.

“Thanks, peanut,” Anani winked, “you looked like you were going to tear off her head.”

“Sounds messy,” I mumbled softly.

“Firefly,” Ledger looked at my sandwich, “eat up.”

Malloy spoke and rose a brow with honest curiosity, “so I have to ask Maya, are you single?”

I jumped as a ripple of growls and low chest noises had Malloy swearing. Poor guy. He put his hands up, “alright fine. Nevermind. I’m just going to assume she’s with all of you.”

“Good assumption,” Anani bit out.

“So being single?” I frowned and asked Henry, “what does that mean exactly?”

The bell rang as Malloy frowned and all my guys made an excuse to stand up. I smiled as Ledger helped me up and the other two walked behind us slowly. I looked up at the orange-tipped hair of my friend. Today he wore a comfy hoodie and on the front was a bright neon design.

“Ledger?” I asked softly, “could I get a hoodie like yours?”

He flashed me a beautiful smile that had me smiling in return, “do you want it right now, firefly?”

My lips pressed together trying to suppress my hope. “But then you will be cold.”

Ledger stopped and my throat went dry as he tugged his hoodie up and the polo underneath rode up. I made a panicked sound because my body reacted, heating to the sight of his smooth muscular abdomen. He had tattoos as well. I wanted to see those.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal