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Chapter 4


When I woke in the morning, I first noticed the warmth that radiated underneath my cheek. I sighed happily before snuggling into my bed’s comfortable heat. My bed was totally more comfortable in the morning than at night. Maybe, I had just been really exhausted and not noticed.

A knock on my door had my eyes springing open. “Get out of bed little bitch.” I nearly growled at Jed’s voice but sat up. My back hurt like hell, the nerves raging against my treatment yesterday, but the wounds were sealed. I knew they were.

“Who the fuck is that?” A deep, so incredibly rich, voice asked. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I kept my mouth shut as I tumbled onto the floor in shock.

“Oh my,” I whispered with confusion.

I had an angel in my bed. It was the only explanation. His skin was a beautiful rich tone that was accented by his navy shirt and jeans. I couldn’t understand how he was fitting in my bed, because this beautiful man was nearly a foot and a half taller than me. His gold eyes sparkled with amusement and rage, a very confusing combination. Maybe he was an avenging angel? That made sense.

I reached forward with curiosity and touched his dark long hair that seemed to float down to his ribs. I was fascinated by the gold rings that lopped along his ear and the way he played with his small gold ring in his lip. Now this man was beautiful, there was no denying it. I mean, what were the chances that I’d be surrounded by so many beautiful men all the time? He smelled like sea salt, which reminded me of this place. I loved that.

“Who are you?” I blinked my eyes, leaning forward, and asked in sincere curiosity. His structured jawline had a trimmed beard that made me shiver slightly. I really liked how it looked on him.

The man flashed a set of perfect white teeth before saying, “Atlas.”

I flushed in realization. “Oh, I thought you were an angel. This is awkward.”

Atlas chuckled softly before another bang on my door had me jumping into his arms. I wasn’t positive why I had done it, but the soft rumbling of his chest had me relaxing. I didn’t even mind the slight pain from his grip.

“Maya,” Jed warned, “get your ass out of bed before I break-in.”

Atlas let out a small growl, I slapped my hand on his mouth, “getting ready!”

“Bitch,” Jed muttered before stomping off. I sighed and turned toward the massive man with a big grin.

“Did you stay the night?” I asked with curiosity.

He nodded cautiously. “I hope that’s okay.”

I flashed a smile and cupped his jaw. “That was my first sleepover ever. Thanks for that.”

Atlas shook his head and smiled. “Angel, you are something else.”

He then opened his dark tan jacket and handed me a white polo. I grinned and stood up, realizing I was only in underwear and a shirt. My blush alerted Atlas because he let out a low rumbling sound that had my skin breaking out in shivers. What was it about that damn noise?

“You should get dressed,” he groaned before deflating into the bed. I nodded and briefly wondered why he looked so pained. I shimmied on my skirt before turning to take off my shirt. I grimaced at the pain in my back, despite superficial appearances.

I pulled on my bra and gently tugged the polo on before turning around. I gasped as Atlas looked down at me with frustration and anger. I whimpered at his imposing height, which caused him to lift me up under the thighs and bring me to eye level.

“Don’t be afraid of me Maya,” he whispered gently, no longer looking angry. “I would never hurt you, angel.”

I nod, now that I was looking at him in the eye, I felt better. I knew I had no reason to fear him, but the man was truly massive.

“When I arrived yesterday, your back…” He growled quietly. My eyebrows shot up as I shook my head furiously. I so didn’t want to talk about this.

“It was an old wound,” I muttered quietly.

“That was actively bleeding and healing while I watched?” He growled again.

I raised my eyebrow. “You actually saw it heal?Wow. What was that like?”

He frowned and asked, “Have you always had healing abilities?”

I licked my lips, debating, and responded, “only when skin is broken.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal