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Chapter 4 – Azrael

“You get what you need?”

I paused, my leg halfway over my Harley when I stood back up instead. Turning to Grim, I walked closer and leaned against the side of the garage as I folded my arms across my chest. “Somewhat. Solonik’s been meeting with the Scorpions. Their guy confirmed Razr was there with him last Friday.”

Grim’s eyes narrowed, his brows drawn together in a frown. “What’s your plan?”

My plan? Find the fucker and kill him. Wasn’t much else to consider.

“I don’t care what you do to that evil fuck, but I don’t want you on this alone.”

It was my job to listen to my pres and follow his orders. I usually did so without objection, but this shi

t was different. Personal. He knew I wouldn’t want to put this on the club.

I opened up my mouth to protest when Grim held up a hand. “You’re my SAA. Your problems are the club’s problems. Going rogue or trying to handle shit on your own ain’t necessary. Fuck, brother, I know how deep this shit is for you.”

He wasn’t lying. Grim had been there since the beginning. Long before all of this shit went down. He saved my life. If it wasn’t for Grim, I wouldn’t be standing here now.

“I’ll take Wraith or Exorcist.” I’d leave Mammoth with my pres.

Grim snorted, his humor obvious. “That’s the worst idea I’ve heard yet. You’re all a bunch of crazy fuckers. Gonna end up on the evening news or some shit.” He shook his head. “Do what you need to, Rael, but don’t go alone. I’m not gonna budge on this.”

I held his gaze for a long moment and then nodded. “You have my word.”

“Watch your six. Those Russian assholes don’t take prisoners, at least not for long.”

Unfortunately, that wasn’t new information. “That’s why I’m not going alone, remember?” Couldn’t resist a little sarcasm in response.

“Fuck.” Grim rubbed the back of his neck. “Don’t start. I’m fuckin’ serious.”

Smirking, I straddled my hog and gazed upward at the spattering of stars in the sky. “Gonna go for a ride and clear my head.” Suddenly serious, my smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.


Grim hadn’t called me by my real name in years. It was strange to hear it.


“None of this is gonna bring her back. You know that, right?”

Took me a few seconds to answer. My stomach clenched with the reminder. “I know.”

“Willow’s in a better place. I have to believe that.” His voice held more emotion than I’d heard over the last six years combined. Not since that fateful night when I showed up at his door with Elrik Jameson. The night my life forever changed.

“She’s dead and I can’t bring her back,” I answered with a snarl, finally looking into his pained gaze. “But that doesn’t mean that every single one of those motherfuckers aren’t going to pay. They took what was mine to protect, Grim. No one gets away with that.” Furious with the reminder, I gripped the handlebars of my bike a little too hard. “Rancid’s first on the hit list but he’s just one of many. That fucker will pay for what he did to Willow . . . and so will the others. Solonik’s eluded me for the last time.” My heart raced in my chest as the rage nearly consumed and overwhelmed my rational ability to think and I had to hold my Reaper back. “Jameson promised me Rancid was going down.”

“Willow wasn’t the only female who suffered.”

“No,” I agreed. “He’s raped, tortured, and murdered enough women. Damaged and broken enough of the Royal Bastards chapters in this club. Look what he did to Gamble. We didn’t start this shit, Grim but we’ll finish it. He’s gonna get what’s coming to him. I don’t doubt it.”

Grim didn’t argue. “I’ve always hated that sick fuck Rancid.”

“You’re not the only one.”

My pres ticked his head in my direction, his expression fierce. “Find those Russian fuckers and give ’em hell, Rael. All I need to know is how and when.” Grim’s Reaper was so close to the surface that I could see him lingering just below the skin. The skeleton form hovered and seemed to blend seamlessly with Grim’s body like he was wearing some kind of fucked up holographic Halloween costume. “Let me know if you hear from Jameson.”

“Will do,” I promised, hoping it would be soon.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy