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“Sure, Alexi.” Like I could refuse.

“They ask for anal. You give good minet.” He always forgot the word blowjob. “Men are paying well. You say yes to anything. Vrubatsa?” Understand? His voice held an edge.

I knew the drill. “I know, Alexi.”

He chuckled into the phone. “Yes. Not like you are tselka.” Virgin.

No, he was right, but I still hated his condescending and amused tone. “Yes, Alexi.” It was easier to agree. It had taken many months for me to learn humility. The scars on my body proved it.

“Be ready.”

He hung up before I could say another word.

Sighing, I placed the phone back inside my purse. It wasn’t like anyone else would call. The burner was switched out often and he was the only one with the number. I didn’t want to think about the one time I tried to contact my sister. I’d been in bed two weeks recovering from my injuries. My jaw still clicked and snapped at odd times and the fingers on my left hand weren’t quite straight anymore. Alexi was quite persuasive.

He was the only person I was allowed to speak with unless I was fucking someone during work hours. Men held all the power in my life. I spread my legs at their whim and for their gain. That was all I lived for. Alexi made sure I knew that.

The countless other women in my same predicament also knew th

e rules. We rarely formed deep friendships. The new girls tried but soon learned why the others kept their distance. It hurt too much when one of them was seriously injured or killed. It happened too often.

Headlights appeared a mile or so down Cherry Bottom Rd. I popped out my hip and smiled wide, jiggling my tits as the car pulled up to the curb.


A group of young guys filled the interior. Shit. This would be a gangbang.

“What can I do for you, honey?” My voice was sickeningly sweet.

“Alexi said you’d do whatever we want. We can pay for six hours.”

Swallowing hard, I tried not to think about how sore I would be when this was over. “Sure.”

The driver grinned, his gaze traveling lewdly over my body. “She’s got a nice ass and tits. Let’s go.”

This would be a good haul if I could take all they wanted to give. Several of the guys were quite large. They looked like football players. Maybe the state university. The cash would help, especially if I could keep a little more than my usual twenty percent. They seemed like a rich bunch. The car was expensive and there were quite a few bottles of booze.

Being able to keep money was only recently granted by Alexi, a gift for obeying without question and pleasing him whenever he wanted. I didn’t expect it to last. For now, I’d save every dime with the briefest glimpse of hope. Maybe someday I could barter for my freedom.

I gave up trying to justify my reasons for getting into the car, climbing in as I settled back against the seat. As soon as we pulled away, I asked to see the money and insisted they paid me in advance, tucking the wad of cash into my purse and down under the false bottom of my handbag. Plastering my sexiest smile on my ruby red lips, I ticked my head toward the guys.

“Where do you want to do this?”

Chapter 3 – Nylah

“Death pronounced at 3:36 a.m.”

I turned to Dr. Blane and our gaze met briefly. The words were spoken with impartial calm. Nothing more than a set of notes that comprised our patient’s final moments. The gunshot wound to the chest had been too severe. Shrapnel from the bullet had lodged into several chambers of his heart and although we did everything that we could to save his life, it wasn’t enough. The right ventricle was shredded. No blood was being pumped into his lungs. Dr. Blane worked tirelessly for hours but the trauma was more than our patient could endure and survive.

Another unfortunate night in the E.R. of Mt. Grant General Hospital. And my last shift working with Dr. Blane. The hour and a half commute to work had become too much since Tonopah lost its only hospital in the area just a few years ago. I had worked at Nye Regional Medical Center in Tonopah for five years before I was forced to find another job with its closure. The worst part? There was nothing for at least a hundred miles and in the case of trauma, it was critical to access emergency services as soon as possible. The city was still working out how to provide more than an Urgent Care and routine exams.

I hated leaving the citizens of the area without these basic needs. Sure, they had primary and pediatric care, labs, x-rays, and other basics but it wasn’t the same as a hospital with an ER. There was no real trauma center.

My new position with Central Nevada Regional Care would start in a couple of weeks once their transition was completed and new patients were able to be seen. They took over from Renown Medical Group who did their best to accommodate the growing and dire need. I would be working in the Urgent Care once I started and I was happy to be closer to home. I’d miss the hustle of the ER though, no doubt about it.

“Will you miss us, Nylah? How about a cup of coffee before you leave?”

I’d known Dr. Blane for the last two years and he was a wonderful doctor. Pleasant and good with his patients. However, he was a bit too flirtatious with his staff.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy