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Once inside, I dropped everything on the counter. There were clean towels stacked on shelves and bottles of shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, etc. in rows under the sink. No danger of running out of anything here. I sat down to pee and slid the shower door over as I finished. A simple flush and then I turned on the water, waiting for it to steam.

Standing under the heavy spray, I tilted my head back and let the water flow over my body. I didn’t move for several minutes, just soaking in the heat and the feeling that I was engulfed in warmth. Washing was quick and easy, but I took my time, scrubbing every single inch of my body. I couldn’t remember the last time I had the luxury of not only showering alone, but not having to rush. The soap suds trickled down my body, swirling into the drain as my thoughts drifted . . .

“Hurry up!” Alexi yelled, shoving us into the open room. “Wash. Five minutes.”

I grabbed the bar of soap and began to lather, rushing into the water. I didn’t have time to delay. The water would turn cold soon. I’d almost finished, rinsing the last of the suds from my hair when I felt an arm yank me from under the stream.

“Blad. Come.”

Frightened, I didn’t know what he intended. I was yanked across the room to one of the corners. Towels were strewn all over the floor. It was a mess. “Clean. Vrubatsa?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly, hoping to avoid his ire.

Alexi turned away as I bent down and began to gather the towels, folding them perfectly but as fast as possible. I heard grunts and groans and I knew I was lucky. He didn’t demand anything more at the moment.

As soon as I was done, I placed them in a neat stack and rushed to dress. Five minutes later I beat the last of the girls that were still straggling and lay down on my bed, covering up with the meager blanket each of us received. I tried to remain as still as possible as the guards made their way through the room. Several girls were yanked from their bunks. The screams hardly fazed me anymore.

Closing my eyes, I tried to think of something else besides the noises and slapping flesh that invaded my brain every time I tried to sleep.

“Blad.” Alexi’s voice was close to my ear.

“Come . . .”

The memory faded as I realized I was rocking back and forth in the shower, crouched down on the tile as my tears mixed with the cool water. I was trembling, my mind trying to grasp the fact that my reality no longer consisted of fear, intimidation, and humiliation almost every minute of the day. A sob escaped my throat and I couldn’t hold back as my shoulders shook with the force of my cries.


Patriot’s concerned voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

Unable to answer, I stayed where I was, broken and lost.

He opened the opposite door and switched off the water, closing it again. A few seconds later he slowly opened the far side, a huge towel in his arms. Reaching in, he lifted me carefully and surrounded my body with the towel. Taking another, he wrapped up my hair.

Patriot’s eyes never once dipped down. They didn’t linger on my body or lewdly appraise my assets. He didn’t sneer or grab me or shove his hand between my legs. Only a steady, protective gaze that remained as he scooped me up in his arms and headed back into his room. He sank into the leather recliner next to his bed and cradled my body close as I snuggled into his embrace.

We didn’t move or say a word for so long that I began to wonder what he was thinking. Tilting my head, I gazed into those dark eyes that seemed as haunted as my own.


“It’s an easy answer, sunshine.” He lifted his hand and almost touched my face but dropped it instead. “You need protection and rest. You need to know that you’re not alone. Sure, your sister is here for you and that’s important, but fuck, Naomi,” he paused as my eyes widened at the use of my real name. “You need to know that not all men are monsters. Some of us can be trusted. We aren’t all assholes looking to steal something from you.”

“Patriot,” I whispered, sniffling as the tears threatened to fall again. “What’s your real name?”

“Dale Leonard Dixon.” He smirked. “I used to hate the fuck out of that name when I was kid.”

I held out my hand and he reached for it as I shook it lightly. “I’m Naomi Lyla Peters but my family calls me Mimi. You can too if you want.”

“Mimi,” he agreed. “Only if I still get to call you sunshine too.”

“Sure.” Biting my lip, I couldn’t resist my curiosity. “Why?”

“You’re so curious,” he teased, bumping the end of my nose with the tip of his finger. “Your blue eyes are like a clear summer sky and your smile, what little of it I’ve seen, is like a radiant beam of sunshine. So, yeah, I think it fits.”

I couldn’t resist a small smile in response, and he grinned wide, holding me closer as I lay my head down on his shoulder.

“You know what else?”

“Nope,” I answered honestly.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy