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He laughed. “You aren’t gonna do shit, boy. There ain’t a damn thing you can change about the past.”

Fuming, I hopped off my bike and began to pace. “I’ll find you. I guarantee it.”

“You’re welcome to try. Don’t think your pres will take to it, though.”


“You won’t always be protected, Rancid.”

“Your sister sure was a good fuck. Too bad I had to kill her.”

Yelling threats and curses, I nearly missed his next words.

“I’ll never forget the way she gripped my cock as I squeezed her throat.”

Rage exploded in my brain and I nearly lost my shit. “You’re dead!”

> Rancid was laughing, knowing exactly what his words were doing to me. “Give it a rest, kid. This is much bigger than you. Your pres understands.”

What the fuck did that mean?

“You won’t ruin what I have going. The Russians don’t play around. This is your only warning. Solonik will take down your club if you try to intervene. Pass that along to Grim.”

“Who the fuck is Solonik?”

“The man who cuts the check.” Rancid’s tone was amused.

What in the actual fuck?

“Don’t go digging any further, Ian. Next time it’ll just be a bullet in your stubborn brain.”

As he hung up, I swung my fist into the nearest wall and smashed several bones in my hand. The pain was the only way I could tell that this fuckin’ nightmare was real . . .

Solonik was just as responsible for Willow’s death. He told Rancid to take whatever steps were necessary to ensure he became the national president. Rancid was more than happy to follow through with his plans, raping and murdering my sister in order to take out Jameson. I’d spent the last three years trying to find out more but had found nothing but dead ends. These Russian assholes knew how to hide in a crowd. Maybe they were paying off city officials. Who knew?

Revenge was foremost in my mind as all of these memories clashed together. I wanted this Russian prick Voltoy to suffer and I needed to make a statement to his uncle. Solonik was never going to surface on his own. I had to flush him out, force him to come forward. Solonik was gonna find out real fast how bad he fucked up, starting with the video of his nephew Alexi. Justice would be served, one way or another.


I met Grim’s concerned gaze.

“You got your head in the game?”

Sighing, I shook my head. “Not quite. I’m dealing with it.”

“Figured as much.” He was puffing on a smoke, inhaling deeply. Must have been as stressed as I felt. “I took the opportunity to ask a few additional questions.”

“I see.”

“Appears his uncle is involved in something called the Black Market Railroad.”

My eyes widened. “No shit?”

“Yeah. Get this, they’re trafficking the girls through Alaska. What kind of bullshit is that?”

I couldn’t be mad at Grim for finding everything out that he could. It was his club and he loved Willow, too. Knowing that Voltoy was part of this Black Market Railroad, it made sense why he was in Nevada and working with the Scorpions. Those fuckers were probably helping them acquire the girls.

“You know what this means.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy