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He immediately stiffened, his expression hard and unrelenting. I didn’t think he would answer. He was silent a long time and seemed to lose focus. Rael finally blurted his response, his tone cold. “No one.”

I wouldn’t press the issue. After all, it was his business, not mine.

The loud rumble of bikes

caught my attention. Rael sat up and winced, pressing his fingers against his side.

“Careful,” I warned. “You’ll pull out the stitches.”

His head swung in my direction, intense and unrelenting. “Thanks.”

There was a knock on my door, and I opened it, realizing I never gave my address and Grim never asked for it. They had to know where I lived already. That was creepy.

A man as tall as Rael stood on my front step, his skull print bandana covering the lower portion of his face. He tugged it down and managed a quick smile. “Grim.” He ticked his head toward Rael who was watching our interaction with mild interest. “How’s the patient?”

Smirking, I shrugged. “Sitting up when he shouldn’t be. Grumpy. That’s about it.”

Several men laughed and I stepped back, waving them all in. My jaw dropped when I saw these bikers in the light. They were big men, tall, covered in tattoos. What was surprising was how many had capped teeth, sharp filed canines, shaved heads, tattoos on their faces, and scars. I wasn’t looking at anyone who lived according to the rules of society. I’d known that but this made it all so real.

My bottom landed on the nearest seat as I swallowed hard. It was pretty stupid to invite them in like that, but no one was watching me. They were all focused on Rael as they gave him shit. Grim was asking questions about his fight when I jumped up and made a pot of coffee, pulling out a few beers from the fridge. I passed out drinks and kept myself busy as I tried to ignore what I knew was club business. At least, I tried. They didn’t seem to be hiding anything from me, talking as if I wasn’t in the room.

“Hey,” a voice called out as I turned, shutting off the sink in the kitchen as I washed fruit and vegetables. I needed something to do to occupy my thoughts.

Rael was leaning against the doorframe. He seemed less pale than before. He was still favoring his right side. I imagined it hurt like a bitch, but he didn’t let it show.

“We’re heading out.”

My eyes widened. “You’re not strong enough to go anywhere yet.”

He shrugged. “I’ve been through worse.”

I didn’t doubt it. “You really shouldn’t be leaving yet,” I protested.

A ghost of a smile hovered over his lips. “I’m good, Nylah.” He walked slowly in my direction, stopping only an inch away. We nearly touched with every breath we took.

I couldn’t resist lifting a hand and brushing a fingertip across his jaw. Maybe that Willow girl was someone from his past. I couldn’t judge him when I didn’t know the facts. My attraction to this man was undeniable. If I wanted to be part of his life, I had to accept every aspect. While that was new and scary, I kind of wanted to explore what was growing between us. Sure, he was dangerous, but it was also incredibly intoxicating.

Rael must have been able to read the vulnerability in my expression. “I’m not going to hurt you, Nylah. As I’ve said before, I never would.”

I nodded, unable to trust my voice.

“My life is complicated. I don’t want to drag you into something that could compromise your safety.”

Frowning, I was tempted to push him away, but I didn’t. He seemed to be waiting for it too. When neither of us moved, he leaned in and brushed a kiss against my lips so soft I wasn’t sure if he had actually done it or I had imagined the way his lips felt like warm velvet.

“Call me if you need me. I won’t be far.”

I lost control of my body as I fell back against the sink, breathing faster as he winked and sauntered through the door. The other Royal Bastards already outside as I heard their motorcycles roar to life.

The bikes rumbled down the road as the noise eventually faded. My heart beat rapidly in my chest as my fingers rose to my lips, hovering above as the memory of that kiss was seared into my brain. He’d been so gentle and yet a deep passion barely held back lingered just out of reach.

That Royal Bastard was going to be my undoing.

Chapter 12 – Nylah

It was later that day when I heard a knock on my door and I opened it, only to find a young man standing there with a sheepish grin on his face. He wore a leather RBMC vest like the others, but his had Prospect and Shadow written on the patches.

“I’ve got a delivery for you.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy