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He barked a short laugh. “I know you don’t like it but you ain’t headin’ out alone.”

“I know.” Not like he hadn’t made that clear before I left last night.

“Get your ass back to the Crossroads after you’re done.”

“You got it, pres.”

WRAITH AND PATRIOT were waiting for me in the parking lot after I checked in with Nylah. Poor little sweetheart was so tired she could barely function. A part of me wanted to stick around and make sure she was cared for but that wasn’t my business. Hell, that security guard James was practically up her ass whenever she moved. Annoying as fuck.

I had a feeling I’d hear from her one way or another. I’d left my number in her phone and knew that she’d call if she wanted. A girl like that didn’t play games. She was a straight shooter and I liked that about her. Being a nurse, she was used to thinking on her feet and always being on alert. I could relate to that kind of life. It was ironic how closely our lives intertwined and yet how vastly they were different.

Wraith was smoking his usual Cuban cigar as I approached, straddling his bike as he puffed hard and then released perfect rings into the air. He grinned when his gaze caught mine and I glimpsed the gold caps on his front teeth. A couple of the others – the canines – were filed into sharp points. He had his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. Never seen him wear it any other way.

“You bought more cigars?” I loved to give him shit about it. He spent more on tobacco than he did booze. “How much it set you back this time?”

“I don’t expect you to understand, Rael,” he drawled, inhaling a bit of the smoke. “This is premium and expensive tobacco.”

Patriot snorted. “Premium, my ass. This fucker paid over $3,000 for the box.”

I whistled low, smirking with humor. “Damn.”

Wraith shrugged and didn’t bother trying to convince us. “Worth it. Better than fine pussy.”

“Fuck off,” Patriot snorted. “Nothing’s better than tight, wet pussy and you know it.”

Wraith chuckled. “You need to get laid. Your focus is off.”

Patriot shook his head. “Don’t remind me. About to go back to the Crossroads and drag the first club whore into bed with me that I see.”

Amused, I let them banter back and forth as I sat on my bike. Didn’t take long for my brothers to get a clue and shut up, glancing my way as I remained quiet.

“You wanna fill us in, SAA?” Wraith carefully extinguished his cigar and wrapped it up, shoving it down inside the inner pocket of his cut.

“Solonik was spotted with Razr. I want to drive by the BSMC clubhouse. See what we can find.”

Patriot leveled me with one of his fierce Marine war faces. “Let’s roll out.”

“And if we see the Russians?” Wraith always liked to have a plan. He was meticulous when it came to details. That was why he was the Secretary of the club. Never missed anything important.

“Then we wait for them to leave.”

Riding out, our hogs thundered down South A St. as our tires kicked up a dust storm behind us. The dry desert air whipped at our t-shirts and cuts as the penetrating heat of the sun glared down from above. It was hot as fuck already and would only rise steadily in temperature as the day wore on. We were used to the weather, but it still sucked everything out of you if you were in it for too long. Nevada didn’t like anyone to forget how vicious she could be. Even the cactus didn’t complain as it squatted in the blazing waves of sunshine.

We found nothing that afternoon. The compound was unusually quiet with minimal activity. Hours later, none of our locations had given any additional Intel. It was a waste of time.

Frustrated, I gave the signal for us to head back to Tonopah.

We could discuss what to do next in Church.


Tonopah on our way to the Crossroads when I spotted a familiar set of light blue scrubs and silky blonde hair. Nylah was pumping gas into her little SUV, oblivious to her surroundings. Even from this distance, I could see she was distracted. I pulled over and watched as Wraith and Patriot parked their bikes beside mine. Why wasn’t she at the hospital?

“Who’s the blonde?” Wraith had already lit up his cigar again, smoke billowing into the air as the city was blanketed in hues of amber and gold. The sun was setting and soon darkness would settle over the Great Basin.

“A nurse,” I replied, giving nothing away.

“Why we watchin’ her?” Patriot tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes. He was assessing my reaction. My brother knew I wouldn’t be sitting my ass here without a reason.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy