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She stared me down, and I stared her down right back. My little queen needed some fire, and if that meant pissing her off, so be it.

The letter she wanted was the formal request from the Elemental Fae to create the Interrealm Fae Academy. I also had a similar one from the Midnight Fae. The Fortune Fae were a bit more complicated, as they divided their territories up between Alpha leaders who ruled in equal measure with their Omegas, so Gina would only be speaking on behalf of her region and would confer with the other Omegas afterward. Although, I doubted any would challenge a revered Omega like Gina.

All the other realms would require similar agreement or would forfeit their involvement in the school.

Please don’t do this, Claire whispered into my thoughts. I need your support right now, not a fight.

What you need is to remember who you are, I countered through our mental link. You’re a queen, Claire. Now lift your chin and show off that regal neck of yours. Maybe I’ll reward you with a kiss.

She narrowed her gaze.

I merely arched my brow back.

Was I being an ass? Yes. Was it distracting her from her nerves? Also yes.

She stepped into my personal space to start searching my jacket pockets for the letter, her hands roaming all over my torso and causing my lips to twitch with amusement. “Where is it?” she demanded, a hint of hysteria touching her gaze.

I caught her chin and held her gaze. “Breathe,” I told her. Don’t let anyone see you panic, Claire. You need to walk into that meeting like you own the room. This is a brilliant idea. Fucking own it.

Her nostrils flared. How can I do that if you left the letter at home?

I didn’t leave it at home, little queen. I kept it safe, just like you asked, and I’ll present it when you request it during the meeting. I released her jaw to cup her cheek. Where is all this anxiety coming from, Claire? What are you afraid of?

That they’re going to hate this idea, she whispered back at me. That… that they won’t accept me or the school. Which is exactly what I don’t want to happen to anyone else in my position.

I pressed my lips to hers, hiding the tears welling in her eyes. She just needed this moment to bolster her strength, and so I provided it with my mouth while the others closed ranks around us, ensuring no one could see our queen’s nervousness over this proposal.

It meant a lot to her on a personal level, making this more emotional overall. I understood that. But I needed her to understand that queens bowed to no one.

“You will go into that room and show them what a queen looks like,” I told her softly. “I won’t accept anything less from you, Claire.”

She swallowed. “What if they hate it?”

“Then you change their minds.”

Her blue eyes sparkled, the tears bleeding into something more passionate. “I don’t accept a negative answer,” she said slowly. “I make them say yes.”

“Exactly,” I replied. “They’re not allowed to say no.”

“They’re not allowed to say no,” she repeated, nodding with me. “Okay.”

“Okay,” I echoed back at her, pressing my lips to hers once more. “You’re going to be magnificent, little queen. And we’re all here if you need us.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, a hint of color staining her pale complexion. Not embarrassed, but excited. “I can do this.”

“I know you can,” I agreed. “Kick their asses. And if anyone opposes, Titus will light them on fire.”

“Damn right I will,” he said, nodding b

ehind her.

Claire giggled. “That’s not very diplomatic.”

The Fire Fae rolled his eyes. “Fae, you sound just like Cyrus and Exos.”

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy