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Hmm, in retrospect, with the bedroom just two doors down from ours, it was a poor choice for guest quarters. But it was one of the bigger rooms, so it had once made sense to use it for guests.

Except, now I suspected my mates had a different purpose in mind, which caused my heart to flutter at the gift Cyrus and Exos had intended for me. I tried not to get my hopes up, telling myself this probably wasn’t at all what I thought, but the subtle kiss of water in the air—a kiss that hadn’t been there this morning—had all my instincts firing to life.

Someone opened the door, and approval surged through my mate-bonds, making me even more anxious to see. “Can I take off my blindfold?” I asked, my nostrils flaring at the alluring scent of mist and a calming fragrance that reminded me of the spirit realm.

“Not yet,” Cyrus said, water warming my bare arms, making the hairs stand on end as if electrified. He guided me another step forward, then whispered, “Okay, now.”

I jerked off the silk tie and gasped at the sight before me.

“Oh, Fae,” I said, taking in the enchanted nursery scene swarming with water and spirit magic.

A purple butterfly kissed my cheek, causing my eyes to wander sideways to Exos. He grinned, then gestured to the array of beautiful spirit-infused creatures fluttering about. No pixies, just butterflies. My favorite.

A fountain resided in the corner, the gorgeous structure pumping moisture and magic into the room with a small basin beside it that would be good for bathing a newborn. I moved forward to brush my fingers through the warm spray, smiling at the sense of calm provided by the source itself.

Beyond the fountain was a window providing a breathtaking view of Sol’s white Christmas trees.

But the most elaborate piece rested against the wall.

I stepped up to the ornate crib with glowing blue spirals. I touched it, expecting to find glass, but my fingers grazed a warm, smooth texture that slightly gave way underneath my touch. It was unlike any material I’d ever seen.

“It’s a magical water construct that’s safe for teething,” Cyrus explained, his hand going to the small of my back. “I had intended on buying human furniture, but when my father’s mate showed me what the royal line had access to, combined with our own enhancement magic, well, I knew you’d love it.”

“I do,” I said, running my fingers over the gorgeous work of art. I chewed my lip as one hand went to my belly. Cyrus’s touch followed, his embrace warming me to my core.

“Hmm, but I think it’s missing something,” Exos said, stroking his jaw as he considered the room. “I think we need some earth.”

Sol studied the room, then rubbed his hands together before going to work on a cherry blossom tree in the corner opposite the fountain, adding a burst of pink to the overly blue room.

I inhaled the scent, my heart fluttering in response.

“And maybe some fire,” Exos added.

“On it,” Titus said, adding delicate embers that floated to the ceiling, capturing warmth like tiny little stars.

“And air,” Cyrus murmured, glancing at Vox.

The Air Fae grinned, his essence whirling upward to bring the whole scene together with a calming song humming on the wind, the ancient melody one that had my eyes drooping in sudden tiredness.

It’s a faeling nursery rhyme, he explained into my mind. It’ll calm our little one.

It’s calming me right now, I admitted.

Good, he replied. That means it’s working.

“This is… the most enchanting nursery I’ve ever seen,” I whispered, relaxing into Cyrus. “Thank you.”

My water mate lifted me with ease into his arms, my head pillowing against his shoulder. “Thank you, Claire,” he replied, kissing my temple. “You’re doing all the hard work. We’re just trying to help where we can.”

I wasn’t so sure about that.

This didn’t feel all that hard.

In fact, it sort of felt like a dream. One I never wanted to wake from. So I closed my eyes and allowed it to overtake me.

I love you all, I said softly into their minds, yawning. I’ll show you just how much when I wake up.


Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy