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Hmm, he hummed back, his own amusement reaching my heart. I’ll be there in a few minutes with Sol and Vox. I hope you’re hungry.

Why are we having so much food for a meeting? I wondered at him.

Maybe it’s not for a meeting, he suggested.

What do you mean?

Patience, Claire.

If he were standing before me, I’d stick my tongue out at him in annoyance. Instead, Cyrus distracted me with his mouth by placing a kiss on my lips that left me sighing in contentment.

Aflora shuffled through the glitter to find a seat. She pushed aside some stuffed pillows in the shape of stars and Christmas trees before finally plopping down onto a chair. “I don’t know where everybody else is going to sit.” Zephyrus smirked and took the seat beside her.

I bit my lip as I studied the room, considering the problem. I’d just let my instincts fly and hadn’t really considered logistics.

Gina swayed to a collection of faux snow and settled into it like a bird snuggling into a nest.

“I think this works just fine.” She plucked at the puffy edges of her makeshift seat. “It reminds me of when my Omega instincts first took hold. It’s a similar type of nesting instinct, I think.” She gave me a smile, her eyes flashing with a hint of white as she grazed her fingers over the decorations that triggered one of her visions. “Welcome to pregnant life, Claire. It’s going to keep you on the run.”

“Claire?” came my name, paired with a worried feminine tone, before I had time to address Gina’s strange statement. My mother walked in and halted, her eyes growing big. “Oh…”

“Oh, hi, Mom,” I greeted, smiling. “We’re having a meeting.” Whenever all the other fae decided to arrive.

What time are they all coming, again? I asked Exos.

They’re all arriving right now, he replied.

My eyes widened. Oh, I’m not ready yet!

You’re fine, he replied. Just talk to your mom.

How do you know my mom is here?

No response.

“What is it, Ophelia?” Mortus asked as he entered after my mother, causing me to frown.

Why is Mortus here?

Because he’s your mom’s boyfriend, Exos replied.

Yeah, I know. But why is he attending the meeting?

Because we invited him, baby.

“What’s my brother saying?” Cyrus asked softly, his arm circling my waist as he stepped to my side.

“I was asking him about the meeting,” I muttered, then smiled as my mother and her boyfriend approached.

“Ah, yes. The ‘meeting,’?” Cyrus replied, an odd caress on that final word.

“Your mother warned me about your nesting, but you’ve really outdone yourself, Claire,” Mortus said, leaning down to kiss my cheek. It was a bit strange seeing the former Fire Fae professor be so warm. He used to be such a dick. However, he hadn’t exactly been himself then. “Happy nesting party,” he added softly.

“Nesting party?” I repeated. “What?”

My mother playfully slapped him on the chest. “It was supposed to be a surprise, Mortus!”

“Oh. Right.” He grimaced. “Sorry.”

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy