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“As he doesn’t harbor a penchant for bossing me around, I think we’ll get along just fine,” Titus deadpanned.

Claire froze while I chuckled. “Our Claire is awake, by the way.”

“I can see that,” he replied, the possessive growl in his voice no better than before. The Fire Fae seemed ready to combust, and while I trusted him not to harm Claire, I didn’t necessarily trust him not to hurt me.

Leaning down to kiss her one last time, I rolled off the bed and grabbed a shirt from the closet. She hadn’t moved, her wide gaze on a glowering Titus. He clearly sensed the heightened bond within her, and his clenched hands said how he felt about it.

I pressed my palm to his chest to back him up a few paces into the wall and caught his fist before it could meet my face. “Vox and I are leaving to track the energy signature. Claire wanted to join us, but I suggested she spend some time here with you. Alone.” I lifted an eyebrow with the final word, ensuring he followed my insinuation. “Does that work for you?”

Flames danced in his gaze as he studied my features. Then his shoulders seemed to relax as he gave me a stiff nod.

“I promised Claire we won’t act on any information without her. And I imagine we’ll be back in a few hours.”

Another nod. “Okay.”

“Okay.” I released him and went to retrieve my shoes. Claire had sat up on the bed during our discussion, her lower lip snagged between her teeth. I bent to tug it between my own, giving her a little nibble. “Try not to burn the dorm down, baby.”

Her cheeks flushed an adorable shade of red, causing me to chuckle. It physically pained me to leave her in the hands of another man, but while Titus might not be my favorite fae, I couldn’t deny his compatibility with Claire.

And as such, I trusted him implicitly with her life.

He stopped me with a hand on my forearm, his green eyes holding a touch of gratitude in them as they captured mine.

No words were spoken.

Not even another nod.

Just a brief look of understanding before he released me.

“Be careful,” Claire called after me, causing me to pause on the threshold.

I glanced back at her, amused. “I’m a Royal Fae, baby. There’s no one on this campus who can touch me. Except you.” And with that, I met Vox in the hallway. “Let’s go, Air Fae. I want to see what you can do.”


Two men.


Both mates.

Watching them interact was… hot.

Mainly because Titus had this sexy glower thing going on while Exos still managed to alpha him with that shove against the wall. It provoked all manner of inappropriate thoughts, ones that only seemed to intensify as Titus gazed at me from across the room.

“Are you hungry, Claire?” he asked, his voice low.

I couldn’t tell if he meant for food or for him. But the answer was a resounding “Yes” either way. Mostly for something of the sexual variety, considering Exos had spent the last however many minutes heating me up, just to leave.

His essence seemed to swim through my veins, his scent forever clinging to me. Because of the bond. He’d been right about it deepening our connection. I could almost sense him in my mind, his resounding amusement at leaving me hot and bothered in his wake.

Or maybe that was my imagination. But it didn’t seem too far-fetched a notion.

Titus leaned against the wall. “Are you going to assault me again if I come over there?”

“Again?” I asked, confused.

“You don’t remember pulling me onto the bed and rubbing that delicious body all over me while mewling?”

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy