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Being one of the oldest fae, Elana owned an exquisite piece of land, her manor adorned in flowers and greenery, all animated by her inner Spirit. Our kind controlled life and death of all beings, including the fae. Unlike the others, like Vape, who mastered a specific element, such as water.

“Yes, we’ll spin the bar story to claim her as one of the victims of the tragedy. That’ll ensure no one searches for her.” Elana stood near a master piano, her hip resting against the hard surface. Her youthful appearance belied her ancient aura. A human would think her maybe thirty, but I knew her to be closer to a thousand years old. It was her ties to Spirit that kept her looking younger, unlike Vape, who showed his age in the creases of his pale skin and the white coloring of his long hair.

“Can you train her?” he asked, his midnight gaze resembling a black pit of wisdom. “Or is she too dangerous for the Academy?”

Goose bumps threatened to pebble over my skin at the memory of Claire’s energy. I’d never felt anything like it. “She’s powerful,” I admitted, palming the back of my neck to diffuse the chill rising at the top of my spine. “But my Spirit can tame hers.” It’d taken a great deal of strength—more than I’d ever used before—to temper her gift, but I’d managed it. “I can train her.”

What I really meant to say was, I’m the only one who can train her.

Elana might be my elder, but my pure royal blood elevated my status, making me far stronger than she could ever be.

Unfair, yes.

But such was life.

Not even my brother could stand up to my affinity for Spirit, which was why the Royal Crown technically belonged to me. However, I’d chosen to abdicate my throne in favor of a warrior life, providing Cyrus with the opportunity to lead.

The arrangement suited us both.

“Then it’s settled,” Elana murmured, her silver-gray eyes glittering as she smiled. “I recommend the Fire Quad since that’s her secondary strength, as well as your own.”

“You wish for me to reside with Claire?” I asked, uneasy.

“She needs a protector. I think you’re the only one suitable for the job.”

I sighed, my hands in my pockets as I leaned against the tree in the middle of her living room. “I’ll make the arrangements.” Because she was right. Not only was I the only one who could keep Claire’s abilities in check, but I also happened to be one of the few who preferred her alive. Most others would use the opportunity to kill her for the sins of her mother.

“She needs more than a single protector,” Vape said as if reading my mind. “The girl requires an army of bodyguards.”

“Which we don’t have.” Elana sounded frustrated, likely because our fae brethren were refusing to acknowledge and accept one of our own. She advocated for peace and harmony among the Fae Kingdoms, which was why she’d created the Academy—a place where all the Elemental Fae were forced to bond. Yes, they had separate quads and specific core classes, but there were numerous activities that brought the fae together, such as sporting events where gifts were not allowed and general education courses covering human studies and other useful, employable skills.

“That’s a lot to put on one fae.” Vape’s tone suggested how he felt about that—unconfident. “An important fae at that.”

“I volunteered for the job.” Not exactly true—more that I was the only one capable of handling this task and wouldn’t wish it on another. “I’ll keep her safe.”

“And what about you?” Vape countered. “Who will keep you safe as one of the two remaining royals of the Spirit lines?”

My lips curled. “I keep myself safe.” And I dared anyone who thought otherwise to try to fuck with me. “I’m not concerned.”

Elana smiled. “You’re so much like your father, Exos. He’d be proud to—”

A shriek upstairs had all three of us straightening.

“Seems Sleeping Beauty is awake,” Vape drawled, amusement in his expression.


I darted to the windows, peering out into the early morning surroundings, the sun a distant pink on the horizon.

“She knocked down a tree,” I said, my brow furrowing. “How the hell did she knock down a tree?” I would have felt her use of Spirit, my own energy having tied itself to hers days ago when I started tracking her. A whirlwind of water and air formed outside, uprooting several trees in its wake and heading toward the house. “Oh, fuck.”

I ran up the stairs without a backward glance, vaguely aware of Vape and Elana on my heels, and shoved open the door to the guest room.

Claire stood in the center of a room of roses and vines, her blonde hair tangled, her blue eyes wild as they darted around what she likely perceived as a garden of sorts. She stilled when she caught me standing in the doorway, her hands curled at her sides, her full lips falling open.

My Spirit reached for hers, stroking her with soothing vibrations meant to calm her inner turmoil. This was one of my personal skills—my ability to manipulate and persuade others, to lull them into a state of my choosing.

Calm down, I urged, eyeing the dissolving tornado outside.

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy