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“Yeah, it’s something,” he replied, running his fingers through his hair and taking a step back. “Do you, uh, need something to wear?”

I glanced down at my soaked clothing, my cheeks pinkening at the realization of how revealing this dress had become. “Er, yes. Please.”

He nodded and disappeared into a bedroom off the living area. The rest of his space reminded me of the dorm room Exos had taken me to—all modern appliances done in black, stone floors, charred walls, and fireproof furniture.

Titus returned carrying a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. “Here. Bathroom is through there.” He pointed to his bedroom.

“No roommate?” I asked, noticing it was the only door.

“No. I don’t play well with others.” His flat tone had me biting my lip and nodding.

“Right. I’ll just go change.” I walked quickly through his room, not wanting to invade his private space any more than I already had.

And found him waiting for me on his bed when I exited. His gaze ran over my shirt and shorts, his lips curling at the edges. “You look good in my clothes, Claire.”

Oh. My face heated from the dark gleam in his green eyes. “I, uh, thank you?” The last word came out as a squeak, sending another wave of warmth over my skin.

I’m in so much trouble, I realized, my breath catching in my throat. I really do want them both. It was so wrong. I couldn’t do this, couldn’t be torn between them. But they each called to a different part of me. Parts I didn’t understand. My elements.

Titus exhaled slowly, running his fingers through his thick, auburn hair. “Look, I know I fucked up. Well, sort of.” He shook his head. “Look, Ignis is a bitch. She tried to force a bond on me with this seduction potion. And because her power is a reasonable match for mine, she managed to get me into bed. But I can’t stand her. I’d never want to be with her, Claire.”

I clasped my hands before me, unsure of what to say. It wouldn’t be fair of me to judge him, not after my own behavior. Yet hearing his explanation put me slightly at ease. Until I remembered the rest of it. “What about the bet?”

His gaze narrowed. “You honestly think I’d be doing all this just to win some fucking bet?”

Did I? My lips twisted to the side as I considered, which had his face reddening.

“I realize you don’t know me very well, but you should at least be able to discern my intentions. I mean, for fuck’s sake, Claire. I willingly bonded with you. I’m a competitive man, but not that competitive.” He pushed away from the bed to walk over to the windows, his shoulders tense as he shook his head. “I might kill Ignis.”

For some reason, that last sentence made me smile. I rather liked the idea of throttling her myself. “She’s a bitch,” I agreed, joining him by the glass.

A horde of violet flowers had formed, each of them releasing crystals into the air that danced around the ever-evolving vines.

We stood in silence for a while, something I hadn’t realized I needed until right then. But it gave me a moment to ponder everything and sort through my thoughts. About Exos. About

Titus. About this place. About me.

I called a flicker of fire to play over my fingertips, smiling at how different I felt—powerful and real.

Ever since I’d arrived, I’d been battling this new reality, fighting Exos, and wanting nothing more than to hide. I lost myself last night to misery. And woke to even more pain. But Exos had done something to me, had awoken some aspect of my being that I hadn’t known.

And now everything felt right.

I watched the flame dance across my skin. This truly was a beautiful, unique world. I could be someone brand new here. Someone important. I had the opportunity to prove everyone wrong. The ultimate challenge. I just had to be strong enough to accept it. Fierce enough to master these elements. Wise enough to trust the right mentors.

Such as the male beside me. “I don’t believe there even is a bet,” I told him, speaking my thoughts out loud. “I think Ignis made it up.”

He snorted. “I know she did. I tracked down over a dozen fae who are idiotic enough to consider such a ploy, and none of them had heard a word about it. She’s full of shit.”

“I’m not sure whether I should be offended by her tactics or flattered. She seems to be going out of her way to ruin me without knowing me.”

“She’s had it in her head for months that we’re going to be a thing. Me and her, I mean. And it’s never going to happen.” He shivered, clearly repulsed by the idea. “I’m not a saint, Claire. I’ve dated a lot. But I’m not a cheater.” He met my gaze. “I’m devoted to our courtship. Until you tell me otherwise, I mean.”

My heart skipped a beat. Oh God. “But I kissed Exos.” I winced, not meaning to just sputter the words out like that. “I mean, it’s… Well, I…” I shook my head, irritated with my inability to form a sentence.

Titus chuckled. “He kissed you, sweetheart.” He took a step closer, the heat from his body warming mine as he crowded me against the window. “I accepted that he initiated a connection with you already, Claire.” His palm went to the glass beside my head, his opposite hand grabbing my hip. “Just as he’s accepted my courtship.”

I swallowed. “Oh.” It was all I could say, the only word I seemed to know. First, Exos. Now, Titus. These men were going to send me into cardiac arrest if they kept up these seductive antics.

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy