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“Thank you for the input.” I infused a hint of dismissal in my words, which, of course, infuriated him more.

“You’re a pompous little prick, just like your father.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You may be my senior in age, but make no mistake.” I took a step toward him. “I am your superior in all ways. Now, fuck off before I make you fuck off.” While I gave Ignis a glimpse of my power, I allowed this asshole to see it all. My gaze swirled with it, the aura of energy swimming between us and belittling his to ash.

He didn’t bow, as one should, but instead stalked off, his shoulders stiff, in the direction of Elana’s home rather than in the direction of the Fire Quad faculty quarters.

I sighed, glancing at a still-fuming Titus, who stood beside a shaking Claire. She wasn’t crying—thank the gods—but her pale expression and curved shoulders indicated her to be on the verge of it. Or maybe shock.

“I-I didn’t…” Her blue eyes flickered to mine, feeling my gaze upon her. “Exos, I-I’m sorry. I…”

I gathered her in my arms before she could finish, my lips in her hair and then pressing to her ear. “It’s going to be okay, Claire.”

She trembled against me, her head swaying back and forth. “B-but I almost killed you,” she mumbled. “A-and I don’t even r-remember doing it. Then the fire earlier, it was out of my control, and now this. And I can’t do this, Exos. I’m so sorry. I’m making this all worse. Even when I try, I just hurt people. I hurt you.” The last three words were a whisper, her broken voice fracturing my heart.

Something was happening here, something nefarious, because I would swear on my life that the flood had nothing to do with Claire. The signatures didn’t match. Just like the flames. I felt her power in that bar. It didn’t match what I sensed today.

Shaking my head, I cupped her cheeks, forcing her to meet my gaze. “We’re going to figure this out, baby. I promise.”

Her face crumpled. “I heard what they were saying, Exos. They hate me. Because of what my mother did, what I keep doing.” She inhaled slowly, as if striving for control not to cry. “You shouldn’t have to do any of this for me, not after, well, everything.”

“Oh, Claire. I want to do this for you.” I brushed my lips against hers, knowing like hell that I would regret this later and not giving a damn right now. “You’re mine to protect, sweetheart.”

“You barely know me,” she replied so softly I almost missed the statement.

“You’re thinking like a human, not a fae.” I nuzzled her nose, smiling at our ridiculous situation. She had no idea what it meant to initiate the bonds, yet she’d fallen headfirst into our connection. While she might not think she knew me, her spirit did. And that was what I called to me now—her inner strength—the need to embolden her taking hold of my instincts. She needed to know I had her back, that I believed in her, that I knew she could do this.

Stop fighting it, I told myself. Let her see.

My mouth sealed over hers, my fingers sliding into her hair to tilt her head to the angle I desired. She grabbed my shirt, her surprise evident in the way she parted her lips. I slid my tongue inside, my grip tightening as I took control and truly kissed her. None of that truth-or-dare shit from the bar. This was a real embrace, the kind of lovers, not acquaintances.

I wanted her to know me, to have my taste in her mouth for the rest of the week, to truly experience our connection and yearn for more.

And most importantly, I wanted her to believe in herself the way I believed in her.

My comments about dropping her in the Spirit Realm were all empty threats, words meant to piss her off and embolden her. But that tactic had not worked as I wanted it to. So this was my new path, my way of showing my support and allowing her to know a piece of me I never revealed to anyone else.

Her spirit brushed mine, the energy warming between us and flourishing into the night. Yes, I urged. Dance with me.

Power erupted around us, our souls mingling on a wave of existence only Spirit Fae could access. Wonder traveled through the bond, her surprise palpable and sweet and causing me to smile against her mouth.

“There’s your spirit, baby,” I whispered. Then I deepened our kiss before she could reply and showered her in adoration and encouragement in the only way I knew how—by allowing her access into my heart. It was where our bond originated and anchored, where the elements lived inside a fae. A private resource only mates could access and I granted her entrance into mine, providing her with the most intimate experience known to our kind.

But she needed this to ground her. She needed to feel my courage to bolster her own, to borrow some of my faith in her, to see how deep this connection could go if we allowed it.

You’re going to be all right.

You can do this.

I’m here to help you.

Trust me.

Let me cherish you.

She couldn’t hear my thoughts so much as sense them, the emotion behind them causing her to relax in my arms and return my embrace. So sweet and tentative, but addictive. If we weren’t standing outside, drenched from head to toe, I’d take this a step further. But I could already feel the tug from Elana requesting my presence. Just a subtle nudge, one she could do as a Spirit Fae.

There would be another meeting.

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy